Sandy Brian Hager
Sandy Brian Hager
Reader in International Political Economy, City, University of London
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Cited by
Cited by
The politics of European citizenship: deepening contradictions in social rights and migration policy
P Hansen, SB Hager
Berghahn Books, 2022
Public debt, inequality, and power: The making of a modern debt state
S Brian Hager
University of California Press, 2016
What happened to the bondholding class? Public debt, power and the top one per cent
SB Hager
New political economy 19 (2), 155-182, 2014
From passive owners to planet savers? Asset managers, carbon majors and the limits of sustainable finance
J Baines, SB Hager
Competition & Change 27 (3-4), 449-471, 2023
The Great Debt Divergence and its Implications for the Covid-19 Crisis: Mapping Corporate Leverage as Power
J Baines, SB Hager
New Political Economy, 1-17, 2021
Corporate ownership of the public debt: mapping the new aristocracy of finance
SB Hager
Socio-economic review 13 (3), 505-523, 2015
The social purpose of new governance: Lisbon and the limits to legitimacy
B Van Apeldoorn, SB Hager
Journal of International Relations and Development 13, 209-238, 2010
The tax advantage of big business: how the structure of corporate taxation fuels concentration and inequality
SB Hager, J Baines
Politics & Society 48 (2), 275-305, 2020
Investment bank power and neoliberal regulation: from the volcker shock to the volcker rule
SB Hager
Neoliberalism in crisis, 68-92, 2012
Commodity traders in a storm: financialization, corporate power and ecological crisis
J Baines, SB Hager
Review of International Political Economy 29 (4), 1053-1084, 2022
Varieties of top incomes?
SB Hager
Socio-Economic Review 18 (4), 1175-1198, 2020
A global bond: Explaining the safe-haven status of US Treasury securities
SB Hager
European Journal of International Relations 23 (3), 557-580, 2017
‘New Europeans’ for the ‘New European Economy”: Citizenship and the Lisbon Agenda
SB Hager
Contradictions and limits of neoliberal European governance: From Lisbon to …, 2009
Financial crisis, inequality, and capitalist diversity: A critique of the capital as power model of the stock market
J Baines, SB Hager
New Political Economy 25 (1), 122-139, 2020
Introduction: The structural power of finance meets financialization
F Dafe, SB Hager, N Naqvi, L Wansleben
Politics & Society 50 (4), 523-542, 2022
Public Debt, Ownership and Power: The Political Economy of Distribution and Redistribution
SB Hager
Toronto: The Bichler and Nitzan Archives, 2013
Commoning the Company
M Lawrence, A Buller, J Baines, SB Hager
Common Wealth, 2020
America's Real 'Debt Dilemma'
SB Hager
Review of Capital as Power 1 (1), 41-62, 2013
After the boom: Finance and society studies in the 2020s and beyond
A Samman, N Boy, N Coombs, S Hager, A Hayes, E Rosamond, ...
Finance and Society 8 (2), 93-109, 2022
Rentiership and intellectual monopoly in contemporary capitalism: conceptual challenges and empirical possibilities
J Baines, SB Hager
Socio-Economic Review, mwae076, 2024
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Articles 1–20