Anders Waxell
Cited by
Cited by
What is global and what is local in knowledge-generating interaction? The case of the biotech cluster in Uppsala, Sweden
A Waxell, A Malmberg
Entrepreneurship and Regional development 19 (2), 137-159, 2007
Quality and regional competitiveness
J Jansson, A Waxell
Environment and planning A 43 (9), 2237-2252, 2011
Uppsalas biotekniska industriella system
A Waxell
En ekonomisk-geografisk, 2005
Guilty by association: A cross-industrial approach to sourcing complementary knowledge in the Uppsala biotechnology cluster
A Waxell
European Planning Studies 17 (11), 1605-1624, 2009
Investigating the Uppsala biotech cluster: baseline results from the 2004 Uppsala biotech cluster survey
R Teigland, G Lindqvist, A Malmberg, A Waxell
Uppsala universitet, 2004
Regionalizing “mode 2”? The adoption of centres of excellence in Swedish research policy
P Lundequist, A Waxell
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 92 (3), 263-279, 2010
To capture an emerging industry: using industrial standards to identify the biotech industry
A Waxell
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 12 (5), 441-456, 2009
Geography and the retail industry: A literature review with a special focus on Sweden
A Waxell
Life sciences and human capital: Jobless growth on specialised and local labour markets?
A Waxell
Growth and Change 42 (3), 231-260, 2011
The Uppsala Biotech Cluster. Economic–Geographical Studies of Interaction, Knowledge Spill-over and Labour Mobility. Geografiska regionstudier 62
A Waxell
Uppsalas biotekniska industriella system—en ekonomisk-geografisk studie av …, 2005
Detaljhandelns förändrade geografi
J Amcoff, M Mohall, A Waxell, J Östh
Uppsala universitet, Kulturgeografiska institutionen, 2015
Sound affects: Competing with quality in the Swedish hi-fi industry
A Waxell, J Jansson
Industry and Innovation 20 (4), 316-335, 2013
Writing up the region: anchor firm dismantling and the construction of a perceived regional advantage in Swedish news media
A Waxell
European Planning Studies 24 (4), 742-761, 2016
Studenternas uppfattningar om lärande och lärandemiljö: En fördjupad analys av Uppsala universitets studentbarometer 2018
M Björnermark, T Ljunghammar, M Magnusson, A Waxell
Uppsala universitet, 2020
Quality and space: a framework for quality-based regional competitiveness
J Jansson, A Waxell
Handbook of Regions and Competitiveness, 332-348, 2017
Life science och humankapitalet:'Jobless growth'på specialiserade och lokala arbetsmarknader?
A Waxell
CIND (Centre for Research on Innovation and Industrial Dynamics), 2009
Life Science-sektorn i Sverige: Kompetens, arbetsmarknad och geografi
A Waxell, D Hallencreutz, P Lundequist, K Lundequist, J Ottosson
Uppsala universitet, 2006
Fokus forskarutbildning: Fördjupad analys av en enkätundersökning riktad till doktorander och handledare vid Uppsala universitet
M Björnermark, T Ljunghammar, C Maandi, M Magnusson, A Waxell
Uppsala universitet, 2023
Conditions for conducting high-quality research: Results from a research evaluation survey at Uppsala University
A Waxell, M Björnermark, C Maandi
Uppsala universitet, 2019
Results from the Q&R17 research environment survey
A Waxell, M Björnermark, C Maandi
Uppsala University, 2017
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Articles 1–20