joris Van Ruysseveldt
joris Van Ruysseveldt
Open Universiteit - Faculteit Psychologie
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International human resource management: Policies and practices for multinational enterprises
D Briscoe, R Schuler, I Tarique
Routledge, 2012
Does an intrinsic work value orientation strengthen the impact of job resources? A perspective from the Job Demands–Resources Model
A Van den Broeck, J Van Ruysseveldt, P Smulders, H De Witte
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 20 (5), 581-609, 2011
Industrial relations in Europe: Traditions and transitions
J Ruysseveldt, J Visser
(No Title), 1996
Work-based learning: Development and validation of a scale measuring the learning potential of the workplace (LPW)
I Nikolova, J Van Ruysseveldt, H De Witte, J Syroit
Journal of vocational behavior 84 (1), 1-10, 2014
The job demands–resources model: Overview and suggestions for future research
A Van den Broeck, J Van Ruysseveldt, E Vanbelle, H De Witte
Advances in positive organizational psychology, 83-105, 2013
When are workload and workplace learning opportunities related in a curvilinear manner? The moderating role of autonomy
J van Ruysseveldt, M van Dijke
Journal of vocational behavior 79 (2), 470-483, 2011
High-intensity stress elicits robust cortisol increases, and impairs working memory and visuo-spatial declarative memory in Special Forces candidates: A field experiment
J Taverniers, J Van Ruysseveldt, T Smeets, J von Grumbkow
Stress 13 (4), 324-334, 2010
Job resources and emotional exhaustion: The mediating role of learning opportunities
J Van Ruysseveldt, P Verboon, P Smulders
Work & Stress 25 (3), 205-223, 2011
Learning climate scale: Construction, reliability and initial validity evidence
I Nikolova, J Van Ruysseveldt, H De Witte, K Van Dam
Journal of vocational Behavior 85 (3), 258-265, 2014
Coping with unmet expectations: Learning opportunities as a buffer against emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions
K Proost, J van Ruysseveldt, M van Dijke
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 21 (1), 7-27, 2012
The risk of being shot at: Stress, cortisol secretion, and their impact on memory and perceived learning during reality-based practice for armed officers.
J Taverniers, T Smeets, J Van Ruysseveldt, J Syroit, J von Grumbkow
International journal of stress management 18 (2), 113, 2011
Weak corporatisms going different ways? Industrial relations in the Netherlands and Belgium
J Van Ruysseveldt, J Visser
Industrial Relations in Europe. Traditions and Transitions. London: Sage …, 1996
Exploring proactive behaviors of employees in the prevention of burnout
MCB Otto, N Hoefsmit, J Van Ruysseveldt, K van Dam
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (20), 3849, 2019
Organizational justice as buffer against stressful job demands
K Proost, P Verboon, J van Ruysseveldt
Journal of Managerial Psychology 30 (4), 487-499, 2015
Well-being in times of task restructuring: The buffering potential of workplace learning
I Nikolova, J Van Ruysseveldt, H De Witte, J Syroit
Work & Stress 28 (3), 217-235, 2014
Job insecurity, union support and intentions to resign membership: A psychological contract perspective
H De Witte, M Sverke, J Van Ruysseveldt, S Goslinga, A Chirumbolo, ...
European Journal of Industrial Relations 14 (1), 85-103, 2008
Robust corporatism, still? Industrial relations in Germany
J Visser, J Van Ruysseveldt
LondenSage, 1996
Understanding well‐being and learning of Nigerian nurses: a job demand control support model approach
Y Van Doorn, J Van Ruysseveldt, K Van Dam, W Mistiaen, I Nikolova
Journal of nursing management 24 (7), 915-922, 2016
Learning climate and workplace learning
I Nikolova, J Van Ruysseveldt, K Van Dam, H De Witte
Journal of Personnel psychology, 2016
Visuo-spatial path learning, stress, and cortisol secretion following military cadets’ first parachute jump: the effect of increasing task complexity
J Taverniers, T Smeets, S Lo Bue, J Syroit, J Van Ruysseveldt, N Pattyn, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 11, 332-343, 2011
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