Fanxin Kong
Cited by
Cited by
Millimeter wave communication: A comprehensive survey
X Wang, L Kong, F Kong, F Qiu, M Xia, S Arnon, G Chen
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 20 (3), 1616-1653, 2018
A review on electric vehicles interacting with renewable energy in smart grid
L Liu, F Kong, X Liu, Y Peng, Q Wang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 51, 648-661, 2015
Smart charging for electric vehicles: A survey from the algorithmic perspective
Q Wang, X Liu, J Du, F Kong
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (2), 1500-1517, 2016
A survey on green-energy-aware power management for datacenters
F Kong, X Liu
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 47 (2), 1-38, 2014
A survey on geographic load balancing based data center power management in the smart grid environment
A Rahman, X Liu, F Kong
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 16 (1), 214-233, 2013
An efficient deep model for day-ahead electricity load forecasting with stacked denoising auto-encoders
C Tong, J Li, C Lang, F Kong, J Niu, JJPC Rodrigues
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 117, 267-273, 2018
Energy-efficient scheduling of real-time tasks on cluster-based multicores
F Kong, W Yi, Q Deng
2011 Design, Automation & Test in Europe, 1-6, 2011
Sensor placement for lifetime maximization in monitoring oil pipelines
Y Guo, F Kong, D Zhu, AŞ Tosun, Q Deng
Proceedings of the 1st ACM/IEEE international conference on cyber-physical …, 2010
Cyber-physical system checkpointing and recovery
F Kong, M Xu, J Weimer, O Sokolsky, I Lee
Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical …, 2018
Quantity versus quality: Optimal harvesting wind power for the smart grid
F Kong, C Dong, X Liu, H Zeng
Proceedings of the IEEE 102 (11), 1762-1776, 2014
Real-time attack-recovery for cyber-physical systems using linear approximations
L Zhang, X Chen, F Kong, AA Cardenas
2020 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 205-217, 2020
Exploring Inherent Sensor Redundancy for Automotive Anomaly Detection
T He, L Zhang, F Kong, A Salekin
57th Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2020
Reliability and Temporality Optimization for Multiple Coexisting WirelessHART Networks in Industrial Environments
X Jin, F Kong, L Kong, W Liu, P Zeng
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017
On-line event-driven scheduling for electric vehicle charging via park-and-charge
F Kong, Q Xiang, L Kong, X Liu
2016 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 69-78, 2016
A hierarchical data transmission framework for industrial wireless sensor and actuator networks
X Jin, F Kong, L Kong, H Wang, C Xia, P Zeng, Q Deng
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (4), 2019-2029, 2017
Energy minimizing for parallel real-time tasks based on level-packing
H Xu, F Kong, Q Deng
2012 IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing …, 2012
Distributed Deadline and Renewable Aware Electric Vehicle Demand Response in the Smart Grid
F Kong, X Liu
2015 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, RTSS 2015, 2015
Real-time adaptive sensor attack detection in autonomous cyber-physical systems
F Akowuah, F Kong
2021 IEEE 27th real-time and embedded technology and applications symposium …, 2021
Smart rate control and demand balancing for electric vehicle charging
F Kong, X Liu, Z Sun, Q Wang
2016 ACM/IEEE 7th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS …, 2016
Real-time attack-recovery for cyber-physical systems using linear-quadratic regulator
L Zhang, P Lu, F Kong, X Chen, O Sokolsky, I Lee
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 20 (5s), 1-24, 2021
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Articles 1–20