Daniel Krutz
Cited by
Cited by
A dataset of open-source android applications
DE Krutz, M Mirakhorli, SA Malachowsky, A Ruiz, J Peterson, A Filipski, ...
2015 IEEE/ACM 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 522-525, 2015
Using a real world project in a software testing course
DE Krutz, SA Malachowsky, T Reichlmayr
Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2014
Cccd: Concolic code clone detection
DE Krutz, E Shihab
2013 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), 489-490, 2013
Presenting and evaluating the impact of experiential learning in computing accessibility education
W Shi, S Malachowsky, Y El-Glaly, Q Yu, DE Krutz
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software …, 2020
A code clone oracle
DE Krutz, W Le
Proceedings of the 11th working conference on mining software repositories …, 2014
Permission Issues in Open-Source Android Apps: An Exploratory Study
GL Scoccia, A Peruma, V Pujols, I Malavolta, DE Krutz
2019 19th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and …, 2019
Investigating user perception and comprehension of android permission models
A Peruma, J Palmerino, DE Krutz
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Software …, 2018
Experiential learning in computing accessibility education
W Shi, S Khan, Y El-Glaly, S Malachowsky, Q Yu, DE Krutz
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software …, 2020
Apps for everyone: mobile accessibility learning modules
YN El-Glaly, A Peruma, DE Krutz, JS Hawker
ACM Inroads 9 (2), 30-33, 2018
Who added that permission to my app? an analysis of developer permission changes in open source android apps
DE Krutz, N Munaiah, A Peruma, MW Mkaouer
2017 IEEE/ACM 4th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering …, 2017
Neuro-evolutionary transfer learning through structural adaptation
AER ElSaid, J Karnas, Z Lyu, D Krutz, AG Ororbia, T Desell
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 23rd European Conference …, 2020
M-perm: A lightweight detector for android permission gaps
P Chester, C Jones, MW Mkaouer, DE Krutz
2017 IEEE/ACM 4th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering …, 2017
Examining the relationship between security metrics and user ratings of mobile apps: A case study
DE Krutz, N Munaiah, A Meneely, SA Malachowsky
Proceedings of the International Workshop on App Market Analytics, 8-14, 2016
Improving the decision-making process of self-adaptive systems by accounting for tactic volatility
J Palmerino, Q Yu, T Desell, D Krutz
2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2019
Improving neuroevolutionary transfer learning of deep recurrent neural networks through network-aware adaptation
AER ElSaid, J Karns, Z Lyu, D Krutz, A Ororbia, T Desell
Proceedings of the 2020 genetic and evolutionary computation conference, 315-323, 2020
Darwin: A static analysis dataset of malicious and benign android apps
N Munaiah, C Klimkowsky, S McRae, A Blaine, SA Malachowsky, C Perez, ...
Proceedings of the International Workshop on App Market Analytics, 26-29, 2016
P-lint: A permission smell detector for android applications
C Dennis, DE Krutz, MW Mkaouer
2017 IEEE/ACM 4th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering …, 2017
An empirical history of permission requests and mistakes in open source android apps
GL Scoccia, A Peruma, V Pujols, B Christians, D Krutz
2019 IEEE/ACM 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories …, 2019
Enhancing the educational experience for deaf and hard of hearing students in software engineering
DE Krutz, SA Malachowsky, SD Jones, JA Kaplan
2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-9, 2015
Instilling a software engineering mindset through freshman seminar
MJ Lutz, JR Vallino, K Martinez, DE Krutz
2012 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, 1-6, 2012
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Articles 1–20