Nahum Shimkin
Nahum Shimkin
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Technion
Verifierad e-postadress på ee.technion.ac.il
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Competitive routing in multiuser communication networks
A Orda, R Rom, N Shimkin
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 1 (5), 510-521, 1993
Averaged-dqn: Variance reduction and stabilization for deep reinforcement learning
O Anschel, N Baram, N Shimkin
International conference on machine learning, 176-185, 2017
Q-cut—dynamic discovery of sub-goals in reinforcement learning
I Menache, S Mannor, N Shimkin
Machine Learning: ECML 2002: 13th European Conference on Machine Learning …, 2002
Competitive routing in networks with polynomial costs
E Altman, T Basar, T Jimenez, N Shimkin
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 47 (1), 92-96, 2002
Basis function adaptation in temporal difference reinforcement learning
I Menache, S Mannor, N Shimkin
Annals of Operations Research 134 (1), 215-238, 2005
Adaptive behavior of impatient customers in tele-queues: Theory and empirical support
E Zohar, A Mandelbaum, N Shimkin
Management Science 48 (4), 566-583, 2002
The impact of delay announcements in many-server queues with abandonment
M Armony, N Shimkin, W Whitt
Operations Research 57 (1), 66-81, 2009
The cμ/θ rule for many-server queues with abandonment
R Atar, C Giat, N Shimkin
Operations Research 58 (5), 1427-1439, 2010
A model for rational abandonments from invisible queues
A Mandelbaum, N Shimkin
Queueing Systems 36, 141-173, 2000
A geometric approach to multi-criterion reinforcement learning
S Mannor, N Shimkin
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 5, 325-360, 2004
Markov decision processes with arbitrary reward processes
JY Yu, S Mannor, N Shimkin
Mathematics of Operations Research 34 (3), 737-757, 2009
Individual equilibrium and learning in processor sharing systems
E Altman, N Shimkin
Operations Research 46 (6), 776-784, 1998
Fast graph-search algorithms for general-aviation flight trajectory generation
E Rippel, A Bar-Gill, N Shimkin
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 28 (4), 801-811, 2005
Rational abandonment from tele-queues: Nonlinear waiting costs with heterogeneous preferences
N Shimkin, A Mandelbaum
Queueing Systems 47, 117-146, 2004
Routing into two parallel links: Game-theoretic distributed algorithms
E Altman, T Basar, T Jiménez, N Shimkin
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 61 (9), 1367-1381, 2001
The concert queueing game: to wait or to be late
R Jain, S Juneja, N Shimkin
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 21, 103-138, 2011
Socially optimal pricing of cloud computing resources
I Menache, A Ozdaglar, N Shimkin
Institute for Computer Sciences, 2011
Transient behavior of two-machine geometric production lines
SM Meerkov, N Shimkin, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55 (2), 453-458, 2010
On the asymptotic optimality of the /θ rule under ergodic cost
R Atar, C Giat, N Shimkin
Queueing Systems 67, 127-144, 2011
Persistency of excitation in continuous-time systems
N Shimkin, A Feuer
Systems & control letters 9 (3), 225-233, 1987
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