Kishore Kuchibhotla
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Synchronous hyperactivity and intercellular calcium waves in astrocytes in Alzheimer mice
KV Kuchibhotla, CR Lattarulo, BT Hyman, BJ Bacskai
Science 323 (5918), 1211-1215, 2009
Aβ plaques lead to aberrant regulation of calcium homeostasis in vivo resulting in structural and functional disruption of neuronal networks
KV Kuchibhotla, ST Goldman, CR Lattarulo, HY Wu, BT Hyman, ...
Neuron 59 (2), 214-225, 2008
Amyloid β induces the morphological neurodegenerative triad of spine loss, dendritic simplification, and neuritic dystrophies through calcineurin activation
HY Wu, E Hudry, T Hashimoto, K Kuchibhotla, A Rozkalne, Z Fan, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (7), 2636-2649, 2010
Parallel processing by cortical inhibition enables context-dependent behavior
KV Kuchibhotla, JV Gill, GW Lindsay, ES Papadoyannis, RE Field, ...
Nature neuroscience 20 (1), 62-71, 2017
Local impermeant anions establish the neuronal chloride concentration
J Glykys, V Dzhala, K Egawa, T Balena, Y Saponjian, KV Kuchibhotla, ...
Science 343 (6171), 670-675, 2014
Neurofibrillary tangle-bearing neurons are functionally integrated in cortical circuits in vivo
KV Kuchibhotla, S Wegmann, KJ Kopeikina, J Hawkes, N Rudinskiy, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (1), 510-514, 2014
Cerebrovascular lesions induce transient β-amyloid deposition
M Garcia-Alloza, J Gregory, KV Kuchibhotla, S Fine, Y Wei, C Ayata, ...
Brain 134 (12), 3697-3707, 2011
Progressive NKCC1-dependent neuronal chloride accumulation during neonatal seizures
VI Dzhala, KV Kuchibhotla, JC Glykys, KT Kahle, WB Swiercz, G Feng, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (35), 11745-11761, 2010
Differences in cortical versus subcortical GABAergic signaling: a candidate mechanism of electroclinical uncoupling of neonatal seizures
J Glykys, VI Dzhala, KV Kuchibhotla, G Feng, T Kuner, G Augustine, ...
Neuron 63 (5), 657-672, 2009
Soluble oligomeric amyloid-β induces calcium dyshomeostasis that precedes synapse loss in the living mouse brain
M Arbel-Ornath, E Hudry, JR Boivin, T Hashimoto, S Takeda, ...
Molecular neurodegeneration 12, 1-14, 2017
Functions and dysfunctions of neocortical inhibitory neuron subtypes
R Hattori, KV Kuchibhotla, RC Froemke, T Komiyama
Nature neuroscience 20 (9), 1199-1208, 2017
Excitation-transcription coupling in parvalbumin-positive interneurons employs a novel CaM kinase-dependent pathway distinct from excitatory neurons
SM Cohen, H Ma, KV Kuchibhotla, BO Watson, G Buzsáki, RC Froemke, ...
Neuron 90 (2), 292-307, 2016
TMC-1C: An accreting starless core
S Schnee, P Caselli, A Goodman, HG Arce, J Ballesteros-Paredes, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 671 (2), 1839, 2007
Neural encoding of sensory and behavioral complexity in the auditory cortex
K Kuchibhotla, B Bathellier
Current opinion in neurobiology 52, 65-71, 2018
Dissociating task acquisition from expression during learning reveals latent knowledge
KV Kuchibhotla, T Hindmarsh Sten, ES Papadoyannis, S Elnozahy, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1-13, 2019
Tau pathology does not affect experience-driven single-neuron and network-wide Arc/Arg3.1 responses
N Rudinskiy, JM Hawkes, S Wegmann, KV Kuchibhotla, A Muzikansky, ...
Acta neuropathologica communications 2, 1-11, 2014
Opposing roles of apolipoprotein E in aging and neurodegeneration
E Hudry, J Klickstein, C Cannavo, R Jackson, A Muzikansky, S Gandhi, ...
Life science alliance 2 (1), 2019
The cholinergic basal forebrain provides a parallel channel for state-dependent sensory signaling to auditory cortex
F Zhu, S Elnozahy, J Lawlor, KV Kuchibhotla
Nature neuroscience 26 (5), 810-819, 2023
Slow or sudden: Re-interpreting the learning curve for modern systems neuroscience
S Moore, KV Kuchibhotla
IBRO Neuroscience Reports 13, 9-14, 2022
Performance errors during rodent learning reflect a dynamic choice strategy
Z Zhu, KV Kuchibhotla
Current Biology 34 (10), 2107-2117. e5, 2024
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Articles 1–20