Mahmoud-Reza Hemami
Mahmoud-Reza Hemami
Professor of Conservation Ecology, Department of Natural resources, Isfahan University of Technology
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Habitat selection by sympatric muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in a lowland commercial pine forest
MR Hemami, AR Watkinson, PM Dolman
Forest Ecology and Management 194 (1-3), 49-60, 2004
Multispecies assessment of core areas and connectivity of desert carnivores in central Iran
R Khosravi, MR Hemami, SA Cushman
Diversity and Distributions 24 (2), 193-207, 2018
The dispersal of vascular plants in a forest mosaic by a guild of mammalian herbivores
AE Eycott, AR Watkinson, MR Hemami, PM Dolman
Oecologia 154, 107-118, 2007
Population densities and habitat associations of introduced muntjac Muntiacus reevesi and native roe deer Capreolus capreolus in a lowland pine forest
MR Hemami, AR Watkinson, PM Dolman
Forest ecology and management 215 (1-3), 224-238, 2005
Combining landscape suitability and habitat connectivity to conserve the last surviving population of cheetah in Asia
M Ahmadi, B Nezami Balouchi, H Jowkar, MR Hemami, D Fadakar, ...
Diversity and Distributions 23 (6), 592-603, 2017
MaxEnt brings comparable results when the input data are being completed; Model parameterization of four species distribution models
M Ahmadi, MR Hemami, M Kaboli, F Shabani
Ecology and Evolution 13 (2), e9827, 2023
Species and space: a combined gap analysis to guide management planning of conservation areas
M Ahmadi, MS Farhadinia, SA Cushman, MR Hemami, ...
Landscape Ecology 35, 1505-1517, 2020
Maxent modeling for predicting potential distribution of goitered gazelle in central Iran: the effect of extent and grain size on performance of the model
R Khosravi, MR HEMAMI, M Malekian, A FLINT, L FLINT
Turkish Journal of Zoology 40 (4), 574-585, 2016
A predictive diagnostic model for wild sheep (Ovis orientalis) habitat suitability in Iran
H Bashari, MR Hemami
Journal for Nature Conservation 21 (5), 319-325, 2013
The disappearance of muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) pellet groups in a pine forest of lowland England
MR Hemami, PM Dolman
European Journal of Wildlife Research 51, 19-24, 2005
Habitat associations of wild goat in central Iran: implications for conservation
BS Esfandabad, M Karami, MR Hemami, B Riazi, MB Sadough
European journal of wildlife research 56, 883-894, 2010
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals (Hg, Cd and Ni) by sentinel crab (Macrophthalmus depressus) from sediments of Mousa Bay, Persian Gulf
M Saadati, M Soleimani, M Sadeghsaba, MR Hemami
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 191, 109986, 2020
Taming the late Quaternary phylogeography of the Eurasiatic wild ass through ancient and modern DNA
EA Bennett, S Champlot, J Peters, BS Arbuckle, S Guimaraes, M Pruvost, ...
PLoS one 12 (4), e0174216, 2017
Assessing future distribution, suitability of corridors and efficiency of protected areas to conserve vulnerable ungulates under climate change
S Malakoutikhah, S Fakheran, MR Hemami, M Tarkesh, J Senn
Diversity and Distributions 26 (10), 1383-1396, 2020
Multi-scale niche modeling of three sympatric felids of conservation importance in central Iran
R Khosravi, MR Hemami, SA Cushman
Landscape ecology 34, 2451-2467, 2019
Contrasting use of habitat, landscape elements, and corridors by grey wolf and golden jackal in central Iran
G Shahnaseri, MR Hemami, R Khosravi, S Malakoutikhah, M Omidi, ...
Landscape Ecology 34, 1263-1277, 2019
Extinction risks of a Mediterranean neo-endemism complex of mountain vipers triggered by climate change
M Ahmadi, MR Hemami, M Kaboli, M Malekian, NE Zimmermann
Scientific reports 9 (1), 6332, 2019
Equus hemionus
P Kaczensky, B Lkhagvasuren, O Pereladova, M Hemami, A Bouskila
The IUCN Red list of threatened species 2015, e. T7951A45171204, 2015
Habitat use by Persian gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa subgutturosa) in Bamoo National park during autumn and winter
H Nowzari, M Hemami, B Behrouzi Rad
Acta zoológica mexicana 23 (1), 109-121, 2007
Prey selection by the critically endangered Asiatic cheetah in central Iran
M Farhadinia, MR Hemami
Journal of Natural History 44 (19-20), 1239-1249, 2010
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Articles 1–20