John Baffes
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Oil spills on other commodities
J Baffes
Resources Policy 32 (3), 126-134, 2007
The great plunge in oil prices: Causes, consequences, and policy responses
J Baffes, MA Kose, F Ohnsorge, M Stocker
World Bank Policy Research Note, No 1, 2015
Placing the 2006/08 commodity price boom into perspective
J Baffes, T Haniotis
Food prices and rural poverty, pp. 41-70, 2010
Single-equation estimation of the equilibrium real exchange rate
J Baffes, IA Elbadawi, S O’Connell
Exchange rate misalignment: Concepts and measurement for developing …, 1999
Global agricultural trade and developing countries
The World Bank, 2004
Some further evidence on the law of one price: The law of one price still holds
J Baffes
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 73 (4), 1264-1273, 1991
The transmission of world commodity prices to domestic markets under policy reforms in developing countries
J Baffes, B Gardner
Policy Reform 6 (3), 159-180, 2003
Market reforms: Lessons from market and commodity experiences
T Akiyama, J Baffes, DF Larson, P Varangis
Commodity market reforms: Lessons from two decades, 2001
Cotton: Market setting, trade policies, and issues
J Baffes
Global agricultural trade and developing countries, pp. 259-273, 2005
Productivity of public spending, sectoral allocation choices, and economic growth
J Baffes, A Shah
Economic development and cultural change 46 (2), 291-303, 1998
Long term drivers of food prices
J Baffes, A Dennis
Trade policy and food security, pp.13-36, 2013
The “cotton problem”
J Baffes
The World Bank Research Observer 20 (1), 109-144, 2005
The 2014–16 oil price collapse in retrospect: sources and implications
M Stocker, J Baffes, YM Some, D Vorisek, CM Wheeler
The World Bank, 2018
Commodity market reform in Africa: Some recent experience
T Akiyama, J Baffes, DF Larson, P Varangis
Economic Systems 27 (1), 83-115, 2003
Comparative analysis of organization and performance of African cotton sectors: learning from experience of cotton sector reform in Africa
D Tschirley, C Poulton, P Labaste, N Gergely, G Estur, D Boughton, ...
Washington, DC: World Bank, 2007
The outlook for commodity markets, and the effects of coronavirus, in six charts
J Baffes, P Nagle
Published on April 23, 2020, 2020
Tanzania's coffee sector: Constraints and challenges
J Baffes
Journal of International Development 17 (1), 21-43, 2005
What explains agricultural price movements?
J Baffes, T Haniotis
Journal of Agricultural Economics 67 (3), 706-721, 2016
Identifying price linkages: A review of the literature and an application to the world market of cotton
J Baffes, MI Ajwad
Applied Economics 33 (15), 1927-1941, 2001
What drives local food prices? Evidence from the Tanzanian maize market
J Baffes, V Kshirsagar, D Mitchell
World Bank Economic Review, 2017
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