Maria Malmström
Maria Malmström
Assoc. Prof. , SEED, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH
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Biotite dissolution at 25 C: The pH dependence of dissolution rate and stoichiometry
M Malmström, S Banwart
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (14), 2779-2799, 1997
Resolving the scale-dependence of mineral weathering rates
ME Malmström, G Destouni, SA Banwart, BHE Strömberg
Environmental science & technology 34 (7), 1375-1378, 2000
Hydrochemical modelling for preliminary assessment of minewater pollution
SA Banwart, ME Malmström
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 74 (1-3), 73-97, 2001
The dissolution of biotite and chlorite at 25 C in the near-neutral pH region
M Malmström, S Banwart, J Lewenhagen, L Duro, J Bruno
Journal of contaminant hydrology 21 (1-4), 201-213, 1996
Removal of uranium (VI) from the aqueous phase by iron (II) minerals in presence of bicarbonate
S Regenspurg, D Schild, T Schäfer, F Huber, ME Malmström
Applied Geochemistry 24 (9), 1617-1625, 2009
Modeling expected solute concentration in randomly heterogeneous flow systems with multicomponent reactions
ME Malmström, G Destouni, P Martinet
Environmental science & technology 38 (9), 2673-2679, 2004
Combined effects of spatially variable flow and mineralogy on the attenuation of acid mine drainage in groundwater
ME Malmström, S Berglund, J Jarsjö
Applied Geochemistry 23 (6), 1419-1436, 2008
Accumulation of heavy metals in the Oostriku peat bog, Estonia: determination of binding processes by means of sequential leaching
K Syrovetnik, ME Malmström, I Neretnieks
Environmental pollution 147 (1), 291-300, 2007
MiMi-performance assessment: main report
LO Höglund, R Herbert, L Lövgren, B Öhlander, I Neretniks, L Moreno, ...
MiMi print, 2003
Geochemical processes in mill tailings deposits: modelling of groundwater composition
SU Salmon, ME Malmström
Applied Geochemistry 19 (1), 1-17, 2004
Identifying ways of closing the metal flow loop in the global mobile phone product system: A system dynamics modeling approach
R Sinha, R Laurenti, J Singh, ME Malmström, B Frostell
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 113, 65-76, 2016
Energy performance and greenhouse gas emissions of kelp cultivation for biogas and fertilizer recovery in Sweden
JS Pechsiri, JBE Thomas, E Risén, MS Ribeiro, ME Malmström, ...
Science of the Total Environment 573, 347-355, 2016
Mining Impacts on the Fresh Water Environment: Technical and Managerial Guidelines for Catchment-Focused Remediation
J Amezaga, C Baresel, G Destouni, J Göbel, IM Gren, F Hannerz, ...
Mine water and the environment 23 (1), 1-80, 2004
Element discharge from pyritic mine tailings at limited oxygen availability in column experiments
ME Malmström, M Gleisner, RB Herbert
Applied geochemistry 21 (1), 184-202, 2006
The perception of aquaculture on the Swedish West Coast
JBE Thomas, J Nordström, E Risén, ME Malmström, F Gröndahl
Ambio 47, 398-409, 2018
Non-market values of algae beach-cast management–study site Trelleborg, Sweden
E Risén, J Nordström, ME Malmström, F Gröndahl
Ocean & coastal management 140, 59-67, 2017
Determination of sorption properties of intact rock samples: New methods based on electromigration
M André, ME Malmström, I Neretnieks
Journal of contaminant hydrology 103 (3-4), 71-81, 2009
Quantification of mineral dissolution rates and applicability of rate laws: Laboratory studies of mill tailings
SU Salmon, ME Malmström
Applied Geochemistry 21 (2), 269-288, 2006
Anthropogenic phosphorus flows under different scenarios for the city of Stockholm, Sweden
J Wu, D Franzén, ME Malmström
Science of the Total Environment 542, 1094-1105, 2016
Assessment of biomethane production from maritime common reed
E Risén, E Gregeby, O Tatarchenko, E Blidberg, ME Malmström, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 53, 186-194, 2013
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Articles 1–20