Paul E. Jung
Paul E. Jung
Korea National Research Resource Center
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Cited by
Delimitation of Russula Subgenus Amoenula in Korea Using Three Molecular Markers
MS Park, JJ Fong, H Lee, SY Oh, PE Jung, YJ Min, SJ Seok, YW Lim
Mycobiology 41 (4), 191-201, 2013
Re-evaluation of the taxonomy and diversity of Russula section Foetentinae (Russulales, Basidiomycota) in Korea
H Lee, MS Park, PE Jung, JA Eimes, SJ Seok, YW Lim
Mycoscience 58 (5), 351-360, 2017
From endocrine disruptors to nanomaterials: advancing our understanding of environmental health to protect public health
LS Birnbaum, P Jung
Health Affairs 30 (5), 814-822, 2011
Sequence validation for the identification of the white-rot fungi Bjerkandera in public sequence databases
PE Jung, JJ Fong, MS Park, SY Oh, C Kim, YW Lim
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 24 (10), 1301-1307, 2014
Species delimitation of three species within the Russula subgenus Compacta in Korea: R. eccentrica, R. nigricans, and R. subnigricans
MS Park, H Lee, SY Oh, PE Jung, SJ Seok, JJ Fong, YW Lim
Journal of Microbiology 52, 631-638, 2014
Lactarius cucurbitoides (Russulales, Basidiomycota), a new species from South Korea supported by molecular and morphological data
H Lee, MS Park, PE Jung, JJ Fong, SY Oh, A Verbeken, YW Lim
Phytotaxa 205 (3), 168-176, 2015
Publicly-funded biobanks and networks in East Asia
S Lee, PE Jung, Y Lee
SpringerPlus 5, 1-11, 2016
A checklist of the basidiomycetous macrofungi and a record of five new species from Mt. Oseo in Korea
WD Lee, H Lee, JJ Fong, SY Oh, MS Park, Y Quan, PE Jung, YW Lim
Mycobiology 42 (2), 132-139, 2014
Revision of the taxonomic status of the genus Gloeoporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) reveals two new species
PE Jung, H Lee, SH Wu, T Hattori, M Tomšovský, M Rajchenberg, M Zhou, ...
Mycological Progress 17, 855-863, 2018
Evolution in environmental health: incorporating the infectious disease paradigm
LS Birnbaum, P Jung
Environmental health perspectives 118 (8), A327-A328, 2010
Delimitation of Russula subgenus Amoenula in Korea using three molecular markers. Mycobiology 2013; 41: 191-201
MS Park, JJ Fong, H Lee, SY Oh, PE Jung, YJ Min, SJ Seok, YW Lim
Delimitation of Russula subgenus Amoenula in Korea using three molecular markers. Mycobiology 41 (4): 191–201
MS Park, JJ Fong, H Lee, SY Oh, PE Jung, YJ Min, SJ Seok, YW Lim
Re-evaluation of the Genus Antrodia (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) in Korea
MS Park, Y Quan, PE Jung, SY Oh, Y Jang, JJ Kim, YW Lim
Mycobiology 42 (2), 114-119, 2014
Delimitation of Russula subgenus Amoenula in Korea using three molecular markers. Mycobiology 41: 191–201
MS Park, JJ Fong, H Lee, SY Oh, PE Jung, YJ Min, SJ Seok, YW Lim
Product biomonitoring and responsible reporting
P Jung
Environmental Health Perspectives 119 (2), A58-A59, 2011
Asian Network of Research Resource Centers
S Lee, S Nam, PE Jung, KJ Kim, Y Lee
Biopreservation and Biobanking 14 (5), 424-428, 2016
Global phylogeographical distribution of Gloeoporus dichrous
Y Cho, CW Seo, PE Jung, YW Lim
Plos one 18 (7), e0288498, 2023
ISO/TC 276/WG 2: Biobanks and Bioresources
AHN Kyungsook, PE JUNG, H Airan, LEE Yeonhee
한국생물공학회 학술대회, 127-127, 2015
Obstacles in the current identification methods of wood decay fungi: case studies of the genera Bjerkandera and Gloeoporus
PE Jung
서울대학교 대학원, 2015
The Importance of Taxonomy to Re-evaluate Korea's Biological Inventory: Case Studies in Fungi: Case Studies in Fungi
MS Park, H Lee, JJ Fong, SY Oh, PE Jung, HJ Cho, YW Lim
한국미생물학회 학술대회논문집, 111-112, 2015
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Articles 1–20