Carl F. Fey
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Cited by
MNC knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity and HRM.
D Minbaeva, T Pedersen, I Björkman, CF Fey
Academy of Management Proceedings 2002 (1), F1-F6, 2002
Organizational culture and effectiveness: Can American theory be applied in Russia?
CF Fey, DR Denison
Organization science 14 (6), 686-706, 2003
External sources of knowledge, governance mode, and R&D performance
CF Fey, J Birkinshaw
Journal of Management 31 (4), 597-621, 2005
The effect of human resource management practices on firm performance in Russia
CF Fey, I Björkman, A Pavlovskaya
International Journal of human resource management 11 (1), 1-18, 2000
Institutional theory and MNC subsidiary HRM practices: Evidence from a three-country study
I Björkman, CF Fey, HJ Park
Journal of International Business Studies 38, 430-446, 2007
The effect of human resource management practices on MNC subsidiary performance in Russia
CF Fey, I Björkman
Journal of international business studies 32, 59-75, 2001
The effect of human resource management practices on Japanese MNC subsidiary performance: a partial mediating model
HJ Park, H Mitsuhashi, CF Fey, I Björkman
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 14 (8), 1391-1406, 2003
Entrepreneurial orientation, network resource acquisition, and firm performance: A network approach
X Jiang, H Liu, C Fey, F Jiang
Journal of Business Research 87, 46-57, 2018
Top management incentive compensation and knowledge sharing in multinational corporations
CF Fey, P Furu
Strategic management journal 29 (12), 1301-1323, 2008
Opening the black box of the relationship between HRM practices and firm performance: A comparison of MNE subsidiaries in the USA, Finland, and Russia
CF Fey, S Morgulis-Yakushev, HJ Park, I Björkman
Journal of International Business Studies 40, 690-712, 2009
Organizational climate similarity and performance: International joint ventures in Russia
CF Fey, PW Beamish
Organization studies 22 (5), 853-882, 2001
MNC knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity and HRM
D Minbaeva, T Pedersen, I Björkman, CF Fey, HJ Park
Journal of international business studies 45, 38-51, 2014
A retrospective on: MNC knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity, and HRM
DB Minbaeva, T Pedersen, I Björkman, CF Fey
Journal of International Business Studies 45, 52-62, 2014
Joint venture conflict: The case of Russian international joint ventures
CF Fey, PW Beamish
International business review 9 (2), 139-162, 2000
Organizational culture and effectiveness: The case of foreign firms in Russia
CF Fey, DR Denison
The liability of foreignness reconsidered: New insights from the alternative research context of transforming economies
HE Yildiz, CF Fey
International Business Review 21 (2), 269-280, 2012
The key commandments for doing business in Russia
CF Fey, S Shekshnia
INSEAD Business School Research Paper, 2008
Fostering integration through HRM practices: An empirical examination of absorptive capacity and knowledge transfer in cross-border M&As
AJ Zhou, C Fey, HE Yildiz
Journal of World Business 55 (2), 100947, 2020
Compatibility and unlearning in knowledge transfer in mergers and acquisitions
HE Yildiz, CF Fey
Scandinavian Journal of Management 26 (4), 448-456, 2010
The measurement and communication of effect sizes in management research
CF Fey, T Hu, A Delios
Management and Organization Review 19 (1), 176-197, 2023
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Articles 1–20