Suneet K. Gupta, PhD
Suneet K. Gupta, PhD
Top 2% Scientist, Professor, SMIEEE, Visiting Professor
Verifierad e-postadress på ieee.org
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Identification of plant leaf diseases using a nine-layer deep convolutional neural network
G Geetharamani, MA Pandian, Arun, Suneet Kumar Gupta
Computers & Electrical Engineering 76, 323-338, 2019
ToLeD: Tomato leaf disease detection using convolution neural network
M Agarwal, A Singh, S Arjaria, A Sinha, S Gupta
Procedia Computer Science 167, 293-301, 2020
Development of Efficient CNN model for Tomato crop disease identification
M Agarwal, SK Gupta, KK Biswas
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 28, 100407, 2020
A novel evolutionary approach for load balanced clustering problem for wireless sensor networks
P Kuila, SK Gupta, PK Jana
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 12, 48-56, 2013
Human activity recognition in artificial intelligence framework: a narrative review
N Gupta, SK Gupta, RK Pathak, V Jain, P Rashidi, JS Suri
Artificial intelligence review 55 (6), 4755-4808, 2022
Genetic algorithm approach for k-coverage and m-connected node placement in target based wireless sensor networks
SK Gupta, P Kuila, PK Jana
Computers & Electrical Engineering 56, 544-556, 2016
Energy efficient clustering and routing algorithms for wireless sensor networks: GA based approach
SK Gupta, PK Jana
Wireless Personal Communications 83, 2403-2423, 2015
Artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies for smart city
J Singh, M Sajid, SK Gupta, RA Haidri
Intelligent Green Technologies for Sustainable Smart Cities, 317-330, 2022
GAR: an energy efficient GA-based routing for wireless sensor networks
SK Gupta, P Kuila, PK Jana
Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 9th International Conference …, 2013
A new Conv2D model with modified ReLU activation function for identification of disease type and severity in cucumber plant
M Agarwal, S Gupta, KK Biswas
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 30, 100473, 2021
Genetic Algorithm for k-Connected Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks
SK Gupta, P Kuila, PK Jana
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer and …, 2016
3-D optimized classification and characterization artificial intelligence paradigm for cardiovascular/stroke risk stratification using carotid ultrasound-based delineated …
SS Skandha, SK Gupta, L Saba, VK Koppula, AM Johri, NN Khanna, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 125, 103958, 2020
A narrative review on characterization of acute respiratory distress syndrome in COVID-19-infected lungs using artificial intelligence
JS Suri, S Agarwal, SK Gupta, A Puvvula, M Biswas, L Saba, A Bit, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 130, 104210, 2021
A novel block imaging technique using nine artificial intelligence models for COVID-19 disease classification, characterization and severity measurement in lung computed …
M Agarwal, L Saba, SK Gupta, A Carriero, Z Falaschi, A Paschè, P Danna, ...
Journal of Medical Systems 45 (3), 28, 2021
Multimodality Carotid Plaque Tissue Characterization and Classification in the Artificial Intelligence Paradigm: A Narrative Review for Stroke Application
Annals of Translational Medicine, 2021
Optimized dual fire attention network and medium-scale fire classification benchmark
H Yar, T Hussain, M Agarwal, ZA Khan, SK Gupta, SW Baik
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 31, 6331-6343, 2022
A convolution neural network based approach to detect the disease in corn crop
M Agarwal, VK Bohat, MD Ansari, A Sinha, SK Gupta, D Garg
2019 IEEE 9th international conference on advanced computing (IACC), 176-181, 2019
Six artificial intelligence paradigms for tissue characterisation and classification of non-COVID-19 pneumonia against COVID-19 pneumonia in computed tomography lungs
L Saba, M Agarwal, A Patrick, A Puvvula, SK Gupta, A Carriero, JR Laird, ...
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 16, 423-434, 2021
Systematic review of artificial intelligence in acute respiratory distress syndrome for COVID-19 lung patients: a biomedical imaging perspective
JS Suri, S Agarwal, SK Gupta, A Puvvula, K Viskovic, N Suri, A Alizad, ...
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 25 (11), 4128-4139, 2021
Ultrasound-based internal carotid artery plaque characterization using deep learning paradigm on a supercomputer: a cardiovascular disease/stroke risk assessment system
ANJSS Luca Saba, Skandha S. Sanagala, Suneet K. Gupta, Vijaya K. Koppula ...
The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 2021
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