Magnus Österholm
Magnus Österholm
Professor, Umeå University, Sweden & Professor, Mid Sweden University
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Cited by
Characterizing reading comprehension of mathematical texts
M Österholm
Educational Studies in Mathematics 63 (3), 325-346, 2006
Beliefs: A theoretically unnecessary construct?
M Österholm
Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in …, 2010
What is so special about mathematical texts? Analyses of common claims in research literature and of properties of textbooks
M Österholm, E Bergqvist
ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education 45 (5), 751-763, 2013
Kognitiva och metakognitiva perspektiv på läsförståelse inom matematik
M Österholm
Matematiska institutionen, Linköpings universitet, 2006
Do students need to learn how to use their mathematics textbooks? The case of reading comprehension
M Österholm
Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education 13 (3), 53-73, 2008
A reading comprehension perspective on problem solving
M Österholm
Developing and Researching Quality in Mathematics Teaching and Learning …, 2007
Metacognition and reading - criteria for comprehension of mathematics texts
M Österholm
Proceedings 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of …, 2006
Utvärdering av Matematiklyftets resultat: Slutrapport
M Österholm, T Bergqvist, Y Liljekvist, J van Bommel
Uncommon vocabulary in mathematical tasks in relation to demand of reading ability and solution frequency
A Dyrvold, E Bergqvist, M Österholm
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 20 (1), 5-31, 2015
A Theoretical Model of the Connection Between the Process of Reading and the Process of Solving Mathematical Tasks
E Bergqvist, M Österholm
Mathematics and mathematics education: Cultural and social dimensions …, 2010
Språkbrukets roll i matematikundervisningen
E Bergqvist, M Österholm
Nämnaren: tidskrift för matematikundervisning 2014 (1), 27-31, 2014
Läsa matematiska texter: Förståelse och lärande i läsprocessen
M Österholm
Matematiska institutionen, Linköpings universitet, 2004
Relating Vocabulary in Mathematical Tasks to Aspects of Reading and Solving
E Bergqvist, A Dyrvold, M Österholm
MADIF 8, The Eighth Mathematics Education Research Seminar, Umeå, January 24 …, 2012
Theories of epistemological beliefs and communication: A unifying attempt
M Österholm
Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the …, 2009
The role of linguistic features when reading and solving mathematics tasks in different languages
E Bergqvist, F Theens, M Österholm
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 51, 41-55, 2018
What mathematical task properties can cause an unnecessary demand of reading ability?
M Österholm, E Bergqvist
Proceedings of Norma 11, The Sixth Nordic Conference on Mathematics …, 2012
Methodological issues when studying the relationship between reading and solving mathematical tasks
M Österholm, E Bergqvist
Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education 17 (1), 5-30, 2012
Kan vi separera läsning från matematikämnet?
M Österholm
Dyslexi - aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter 14 (3), 18-21, 2009
Läsförståelsens roll inom matematikutbildning
M Österholm
Matematikdidaktiska frågor - resultat från en forskarskola, 154-165, 2009
Communicating mathematics or mathematical communication? An analysis of competence frameworks
E Bergqvist, M Österholm
Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the …, 2012
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Articles 1–20