Nina Aagaard Poulsen
Nina Aagaard Poulsen
Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Denmark
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Genomic signatures of local directional selection in a high gene flow marine organism; the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
EE Nielsen, J Hemmer-Hansen, NA Poulsen, V Loeschcke, T Moen, ...
BMC evolutionary biology 9, 1-11, 2009
Effects of breed and casein genetic variants on protein profile in milk from Swedish Red, Danish Holstein, and Danish Jersey cows
F Gustavsson, AJ Buitenhuis, M Johansson, HP Bertelsen, M Glantz, ...
Journal of dairy science 97 (6), 3866-3877, 2014
Distinct composition of bovine milk from Jersey and Holstein-Friesian cows with good, poor, or noncoagulation properties as reflected in protein genetic variants and isoforms
HB Jensen, NA Poulsen, KK Andersen, M Hammershøj, HD Poulsen, ...
Journal of dairy science 95 (12), 6905-6917, 2012
Nuclear magnetic resonance metabonomics reveals strong association between milk metabolites and somatic cell count in bovine milk
UK Sundekilde, NA Poulsen, LB Larsen, HC Bertram
Journal of dairy science 96 (1), 290-299, 2013
Long‐term stability and effective population size in North Sea and Baltic Sea cod (Gadus morhua)
NA Poulsen, EE Nielsen, MH Schierup, V Loeschcke, P GrØnkjÆr
Molecular Ecology 15 (2), 321-331, 2006
The occurrence of noncoagulating milk and the association of bovine milk coagulation properties with genetic variants of the caseins in 3 Scandinavian dairy breeds
NA Poulsen, HP Bertelsen, HB Jensen, F Gustavsson, M Glantz, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 96 (8), 4830-4842, 2013
Genome-wide association and biological pathway analysis for milk-fat composition in Danish Holstein and Danish Jersey cattle
B Buitenhuis, LLG Janss, NA Poulsen, LB Larsen, MK Larsen, ...
BMC genomics 15, 1-11, 2014
Milk protein genetic variants and isoforms identified in bovine milk representing extremes in coagulation properties
HB Jensen, JW Holland, NA Poulsen, LB Larsen
Journal of dairy science 95 (6), 2891-2903, 2012
The influence of feed and herd on fatty acid composition in 3 dairy breeds (Danish Holstein, Danish Jersey, and Swedish Red)
NA Poulsen, F Gustavsson, M Glantz, M Paulsson, LB Larsen, MK Larsen
Journal of dairy science 95 (11), 6362-6371, 2012
Quantification of individual fatty acids in bovine milk by infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics: Understanding predictions of highly collinear reference variables
CE Eskildsen, MA Rasmussen, SB Engelsen, LB Larsen, NA Poulsen, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 97 (12), 7940-7951, 2014
In vitro digestion of purified β-casein variants A1, A2, B, and I: Effects on antioxidant and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory capacity
B Petrat-Melin, P Andersen, JT Rasmussen, NA Poulsen, LB Larsen, ...
Journal of dairy science 98 (1), 15-26, 2015
Natural variability in bovine milk oligosaccharides from Danish Jersey and Holstein-Friesian breeds
UK Sundekilde, D Barile, M Meyrand, NA Poulsen, LB Larsen, CB Lebrilla, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60 (24), 6188-6196, 2012
Effects of the diacylglycerol o-acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) K232A polymorphism on fatty acid, protein, and mineral composition of dairy cattle milk
H Bovenhuis, M Visker, NA Poulsen, J Sehested, HJF Van Valenberg, ...
Journal of dairy science 99 (4), 3113-3123, 2016
Estimation of genetic parameters and detection of quantitative trait loci for metabolites in Danish Holstein milk
AJ Buitenhuis, UK Sundekilde, NA Poulsen, HC Bertram, LB Larsen, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 96 (5), 3285-3295, 2013
Estimation of genetic parameters and detection of chromosomal regions affecting the major milk proteins and their post translational modifications in Danish Holstein and Danish …
B Buitenhuis, NA Poulsen, G Gebreyesus, LB Larsen
BMC genetics 17, 1-12, 2016
Release of β-casomorphin-7 from bovine milk of different β-casein variants after ex vivo gastrointestinal digestion
T Asledottir, TT Le, NA Poulsen, TG Devold, LB Larsen, GE Vegarud
International dairy journal 81, 8-11, 2018
Comparative analysis of inflamed and non-inflamed colon biopsies reveals strong proteomic inflammation profile in patients with ulcerative colitis
NA Poulsen, V Andersen, JC Møller, HS Møller, F Jessen, S Purup, ...
BMC gastroenterology 12, 1-11, 2012
Factors influencing degree of glycosylation and phosphorylation of caseins in individual cow milk samples
NA Poulsen, HB Jensen, LB Larsen
Journal of dairy science 99 (5), 3325-3333, 2016
Impact of the rumen microbiome on milk fatty acid composition of Holstein cattle
B Buitenhuis, J Lassen, SJ Noel, DR Plichta, P Sørensen, GF Difford, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 51, 1-8, 2019
Predicting hydrolysis of whey protein by mid-infrared spectroscopy
NA Poulsen, CE Eskildsen, M Akkerman, LB Johansen, MS Hansen, ...
International Dairy Journal 61, 44-50, 2016
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Articles 1–20