Jonas Linde
Jonas Linde
Professor, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen
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Satisfaction with democracy: A note on a frequently used indicator in comparative politics
J Linde, J Ekman
European journal of political research 42 (3), 391-408, 2003
Understanding the rise of e-participation in non-democracies: Domestic and international factors
J Åström, M Karlsson, J Linde, A Pirannejad
Government Information Quarterly 29 (2), 142-150, 2012
Democratic discontent in old and new democracies: Assessing the importance of democratic input and governmental output
S Dahlberg, J Linde, S Holmberg
Political Studies 63 (1 suppl), 18-37, 2015
Communist nostalgia and the consolidation of democracy in Central and Eastern Europe
J Ekman, J Linde
Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics 21 (3), 354-374, 2005
Why feed the hand that bites you? Perceptions of procedural fairness and system support in post‐communist democracies
J Linde
European Journal of Political Research 51 (3), 410-434, 2012
The Eroding Effect of Corruption on System Support in Sweden
J Linde, GÓ Erlingsson
Governance 26 (4), 585-603, 2013
Responsiveness, support, and responsibility: How democratic responsiveness facilitates responsible government
J Linde, Y Peters
Party Politics, 2020
Forskningen om Östeuropa: Områdesforskning, komparativ statsvetenskap och internationell politik
J Ekman, J Linde
Politologen, 37-47, 2000
Losing happily? The mitigating effect of democracy and quality of government on the winner–loser gap in political support
S Dahlberg, J Linde
International Journal of Public Administration 39 (9), 652-664, 2016
The dynamics of the winner–loser gap in satisfaction with democracy: Evidence from a Swedish citizen panel
S Dahlberg, J Linde
International Political Science Review 38 (5), 625-641, 2017
Unravelling semi-presidentialism: democracy and government performance in four distinct regime types
T Sedelius, J Linde
Democratization 25 (1), 136-157, 2018
Demokratiseringsprocesser: teoretiska ansatser och empiriska studier
J Linde, J Ekman
Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2006
Conditional legitimacy: How turnout, majority size, and outcome affect perceptions of legitimacy in European Union membership referendums
S Arnesen, TS Broderstad, MP Johannesson, J Linde
European Union Politics 20 (2), 176-197, 2019
The dictator’s new clothes: The relationship between e-participation and quality of government in non-democratic regimes
J Linde, M Karlsson
International Journal of Public Administration, 2013
How populism and polarization affect Europe’s liberal democracies
H Schulze, M Mauk, J Linde
Politics and Governance 8 (3), 1-5, 2020
Not so fair after all? Perceptions of procedural fairness and satisfaction with democracy in the nordic welfare states
GÓ Erlingsson, J Linde, R Öhrvall
International Journal of Public Administration 37 (2), 106-119, 2014
Doubting democrats?: A comparative analysis of support for democracy in Central and Eastern Europe
J Linde
Örebro universitetsbibliotek, 2004
A tough trade-off? The asymmetrical impact of populist radical right inclusion on satisfaction with democracy and government
E Harteveld, A Kokkonen, J Linde, S Dahlberg
European Political Science Review 13 (1), 2021
Dissatisfied democrats: A matter of representation or performance?
S Dahlberg, J Linde, S Holmberg
Distrust in utopia? Public perceptions of corruption and political support in Iceland before and after the financial crisis of 2008
GÓ Erlingsson, J Linde, R Öhrvall
Government and Opposition 51 (4), 553-579, 2016
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Articles 1–20