Glenn Moncrieff
Glenn Moncrieff
Spatial Data Scientist, The Nature Conservancy
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Cited by
Allometric equations for integrating remote sensing imagery into forest monitoring programmes
T Jucker, J Caspersen, J Chave, C Antin, N Barbier, F Bongers, ...
Global change biology 23 (1), 177-190, 2017
Biological and geophysical feedbacks with fire in the Earth system
S Archibald, CER Lehmann, CM Belcher, WJ Bond, RA Bradstock, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (3), 033003, 2018
Revising the biome concept for understanding and predicting global change impacts
GR Moncrieff, WJ Bond, SI Higgins
Journal of Biogeography 43 (5), 863-873, 2016
Increasing atmospheric CO2 overrides the historical legacy of multiple stable biome states in Africa
GR Moncrieff, S Scheiter, WJ Bond, SI Higgins
New Phytologist 201 (3), 908-915, 2014
Defining functional biomes and monitoring their change globally
SI Higgins, R Buitenwerf, GR Moncrieff
Global Change Biology 22 (11), 3583-3593, 2016
Understanding global change impacts on South African biomes using Dynamic Vegetation Models
GR Moncrieff, S Scheiter, JA Slingsby, SI Higgins
South African Journal of Botany 101, 16-23, 2015
Tree allometries reflect a lifetime of herbivory in an African savanna
GR Moncrieff, S Chamaillé-Jammes, SI Higgins, RB O'Hara, WJ Bond
Ecology 92 (12), 2310-2315, 2011
Which traits determine shifts in the abundance of tree species in a fire‐prone savanna?
SI Higgins, WJ Bond, H Combrink, JM Craine, EC February, N Govender, ...
Journal of Ecology 100 (6), 1400-1410, 2012
Tallo: A global tree allometry and crown architecture database
T Jucker, FJ Fischer, J Chave, DA Coomes, J Caspersen, A Ali, ...
Global change biology 28 (17), 5254-5268, 2022
Stem mortality of Acacia nigrescens induced by the synergistic effects of elephants and fire in Kruger National Park, South Africa
GR Moncrieff, LM Kruger, JJ Midgley
Journal of Tropical Ecology 24 (6), 655-662, 2008
Contrasting architecture of key A frican and A ustralian savanna tree taxa drives intercontinental structural divergence
GR Moncrieff, CER Lehmann, J Schnitzler, J Gambiza, P Hiernaux, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 23 (11), 1235-1244, 2014
Pantropical variability in tree crown allometry
GJ Loubota Panzou, A Fayolle, T Jucker, OL Phillips, S Bohlman, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (2), 459-475, 2021
The future distribution of the savannah biome: model-based and biogeographic contingency
GR Moncrieff, S Scheiter, L Langan, A Trabucco, SI Higgins
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Intercontinental divergence in the climate envelope of major plant biomes
GR Moncrieff, T Hickler, SI Higgins
Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (3), 324-334, 2015
Near-real time forecasting and change detection for an open ecosystem with complex natural dynamics
JA Slingsby, GR Moncrieff, AM Wilson
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 166, 15-25, 2020
Altered ignition catchments threaten a hyperdiverse fire‐dependent ecosystem
JA Slingsby, GR Moncrieff, AJ Rogers, EC February
Global Change Biology 26 (2), 616-628, 2020
Forecasting vegetation dynamics in an open ecosystem by integrating deep learning and environmental variables
Y Ma, Y Hu, GR Moncrieff, JA Slingsby, AM Wilson, B Maitner, RZ Zhou
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 114 …, 2022
Modelling direct and indirect impacts of browser consumption on woody plant growth: moving beyond biomass
GR Moncrieff, S Chamaillé‐Jammes, WJ Bond
Oikos 123 (3), 315-322, 2014
Drowning in data, thirsty for information and starved for understanding: A biodiversity information hub for cooperative environmental monitoring in South Africa
S MacFadyen, N Allsopp, R Altwegg, S Archibald, J Botha, K Bradshaw, ...
Biological Conservation 274, 109736, 2022
Locating and dating land cover change events in the Renosterveld, a Critically Endangered shrubland ecosystem
GR Moncrieff
Remote Sensing 13 (5), 834, 2021
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Articles 1–20