Jonas Fridman
Jonas Fridman
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Amount, structure, and dynamics of dead wood on managed forestland in Sweden
J Fridman, M Walheim
Forest ecology and management 131 (1-3), 23-36, 2000
Adapting National Forest Inventories to changing requirements–the case of the Swedish National Forest Inventory at the turn of the 20th century
J Fridman, S Holm, M Nilsson, P Nilsson, AH Ringvall, G Ståhl
Silva Fennica 48 (3), 2014
Disentangling biodiversity and climatic determinants of wood production
M Vilà, A Carrillo-Gavilán, J Vayreda, H Bugmann, J Fridman, W Grodzki, ...
PloS one 8 (2), e53530, 2013
Factors affecting the probability of windthrow at stand level as a result of Gudrun winter storm in southern Sweden
E Valinger, J Fridman
Forest Ecology and Management 262 (3), 398-403, 2011
Remote sensing and forest inventories in Nordic countries–roadmap for the future
A Kangas, R Astrup, J Breidenbach, J Fridman, T Gobakken, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 33 (4), 397-412, 2018
Modelling probability of snow and wind damage in Scots pine stands using tree characteristics
E Valinger, J Fridman
Forest Ecology and Management 97 (3), 215-222, 1997
The number of tree species on Earth
R Cazzolla Gatti, PB Reich, JGP Gamarra, T Crowther, C Hui, A Morera, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (6), e2115329119, 2022
Individual tree biomass equations or biomass expansion factors for assessment of carbon stock changes in living biomass–A comparative study
H Petersson, S Holm, G Ståhl, D Alger, J Fridman, A Lehtonen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 270, 78-84, 2012
A three-step approach for modelling tree mortality in Swedish forests
J Fridman, G Ståhl
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 16 (5), 455-466, 2001
Assessment of coarse woody debris: a methodological overview
G Ståhl, A Ringvall, J Fridman
Ecological bulletins, 57-70, 2001
Observer bias and random variation in vegetation monitoring data
P Milberg, J Bergstedt, J Fridman, G Odell, L Westerberg
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (5), 633-644, 2008
Broadleaved tree species in conifer-dominated forestry: regeneration and limitation of saplings in southern Sweden
F Götmark, J Fridman, G Kempe, B Norden
Forest Ecology and Management 214 (1-3), 142-157, 2005
Models to assess the risk of snow and wind damage in pine, spruce, and birch forests in Sweden
E Valinger, J Fridman
Environmental Management 24, 209-217, 1999
Concerns about reported harvests in European forests
M Palahí, R Valbuena, C Senf, N Acil, TAM Pugh, J Sadler, R Seidl, ...
Nature 592 (7856), E15-E17, 2021
Retaining trees for conservation at clearcutting has increased structural diversity in young Swedish production forests
N Kruys, J Fridman, F Götmark, P Simonsson, L Gustafsson
Forest Ecology and Management 304, 312-321, 2013
Conservation of forest in Sweden: a strategic ecological analysis
J Fridman
Biological Conservation 96 (1), 95-103, 2000
Modelling probability of snow and wind damage using tree, stand, and site characteristics from Pinus sylvestris sample plots
J Fridman, E Valinger
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 13 (1-4), 348-356, 1998
Comparison of methods used in European National Forest Inventories for the estimation of volume increment: towards harmonisation
T Gschwantner, A Lanz, C Vidal, M Bosela, L Di Cosmo, J Fridman, ...
Annals of forest science 73, 807-821, 2016
Mapping aboveground biomass and its prediction uncertainty using LiDAR and field data, accounting for tree-level allometric and LiDAR model errors
S Saarela, A Wästlund, E Holmström, AA Mensah, S Holm, M Nilsson, ...
Forest Ecosystems 7, 1-17, 2020
Co-limitation towards lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients
J Liang, JGP Gamarra, N Picard, M Zhou, B Pijanowski, DF Jacobs, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 6 (10), 1423-1437, 2022
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