KF Tsang
KF Tsang
Associate Professor of City University of Hong Kong
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Cited by
Massive Internet of Things for industrial applications: Addressing wireless IIoT connectivity challenges and ecosystem fragmentation
S Mumtaz, A Alsohaily, Z Pang, A Rayes, KF Tsang, J Rodriguez
IEEE industrial electronics magazine 11 (1), 28-33, 2017
An accurate ECG-based transportation safety drowsiness detection scheme
KT Chui, KF Tsang, HR Chi, BWK Ling, CK Wu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (4), 1438-1452, 2016
Smart healthcare in the era of internet-of-things
H Zhu, CK Wu, CH Koo, YT Tsang, Y Liu, HR Chi, KF Tsang
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 8 (5), 26-30, 2019
A survey of network automation for industrial internet-of-things toward industry 5.0
HR Chi, CK Wu, NF Huang, KF Tsang, A Radwan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 19 (2), 2065-2077, 2022
Orchestration of containerized microservices for IIoT using Docker
J Rufino, M Alam, J Ferreira, A Rehman, KF Tsang
2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 1532-1536, 2017
State-of-the-art and research opportunities for next-generation consumer electronics
CK Wu, CT Cheng, Y Uwate, G Chen, S Mumtaz, KF Tsang
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 69 (4), 937-948, 2022
The generic design of a high-traffic advanced metering infrastructure using ZigBee
HY Tung, KF Tsang, KT Chui, HC Tung, HR Chi, GP Hancke, KF Man
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 10 (1), 836-844, 2013
Guest editorial 5G and beyond mobile technologies and applications for industrial IoT (IIoT)
S Mumtaz, A Bo, A Al-Dulaimi, KF Tsang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (6), 2588-2591, 2018
New trends in the practical deployment of industrial wireless: From noncritical to critical use cases
VKL Huang, Z Pang, CJA Chen, KF Tsang
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 12 (2), 50-58, 2018
Low profile spiral antenna with PBG substrate
TH Liu, WX Zhang, M Zhang, KF Tsang
Electronics Letters 36 (9), 1, 2000
Management of adult spontaneous spondylodiscitis and its rising incidence
A Sur, K Tsang, M Brown, N Tzerakis
The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England 97 (6), 451-455, 2015
Wireless sensor network based monitoring system for a large-scale indoor space: data process and supply air allocation optimization
P Zhou, G Huang, L Zhang, KF Tsang
Energy and Buildings 103, 365-374, 2015
Heterogenization of homogeneous photocatalysts utilizing synthetic and natural support materials
CH Mak, X Han, M Du, JJ Kai, KF Tsang, G Jia, KC Cheng, HH Shen, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (8), 4454-4504, 2021
A regulation policy of EV discharging price for demand scheduling
T Mao, W Lau, C Shum, HSH Chung, KF Tsang, NCF Tse
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (2), 1275-1288, 2017
Theoretical and experimental characteristics of single V-groove guide for X-band and 100 GHz operation
YM Choi, DJ Harris, DF Tsang
IEEE Transactions on Microwave theory and Techniques 36 (4), 715-723, 1988
The design of dual radio ZigBee homecare gateway for remote patient monitoring
HY Tung, KF Tsang, HC Tung, KT Chui, HR Chi
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 59 (4), 756-764, 2013
Low-cost on-demand C-RAN based mobile small-cells
A Radwan, KMS Huq, S Mumtaz, KF Tsang, J Rodriguez
IEEE Access 4, 2331-2339, 2016
A mobility enabled inpatient monitoring system using a ZigBee medical sensor network
HC Tung, KF Tsang, KL Lam, HY Tung, BYS Li, LF Yeung, KT Ko, WH Lau, ...
Sensors 14 (2), 2397-2416, 2014
Supply chain of things: A connected solution to enhance supply chain productivity
CK Wu, KF Tsang, Y Liu, H Zhu, Y Wei, H Wang, TT Yu
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (8), 78-83, 2019
Interference-mitigated ZigBee-based advanced metering infrastructure
HR Chi, KF Tsang, KT Chui, HSH Chung, BWK Ling, LL Lai
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (2), 672-684, 2016
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Articles 1–20