Andreas Larsson
Andreas Larsson
Associate Professor (PhD), Product Development Research Lab, Blekinge Institute of Technology
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Making sense of collaboration: the challenge of thinking together in global design teams
A Larsson
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group …, 2003
Knowledge maturity as a means to support decision making during product-service systems development projects in the aerospace sector
C Johansson, B Hicks, AC Larsson, M Bertoni
Project Management Journal 42 (2), 32-50, 2011
How design process for the Base of the Pyramid differs from that for the Top of the Pyramid
S Jagtap, A Larsson, V Hiort, E Olander, A Warell, P Khadilkar
Design Studies 35 (5), 527-558, 2014
Bridging the gap between university and industry: Three mechanisms for innovation efficiency
J Wallin, O Isaksson, A Larsson, BO Elfström
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 11 (01), 1440005, 2014
A methodology for evaluating technology readiness during product development
B Hicks, A Larsson, S Culley, T Larsson
17th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'09) Design has …, 2009
Banking on social capital: towards social connectedness in distributed engineering design teams
A Larsson
Design Studies 28 (6), 605-622, 2007
Distributed team innovation-A framework for distributed product development
A Larsson, P Törlind, L Karlsson, A Mabogunje, L Leifer, T Larsson, ...
14th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'03, Research for …, 2003
Supporting informal communication in distributed engineering design teams
P Törlind, A Larsson
International CIRP Design Seminar: 16/05/2002-18/05/2002, 2002
Measuring innovation capability–assessing collaborative performance in product-service system innovation
J Wallin, A Larsson, O Isaksson, T Larsson
Functional Thinking for Value Creation: Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP …, 2011
Design and development of products and servicesat the base of the pyramid: A review of issues and solutions
S Jagtap, A Larsson, P Kandachar
International Journal of Sustainable Society 5 (3), 207-231, 2013
Distributed design teams: embedded one-on-one conversations in one-to-many
A Larsson, P Törlind, A Mabogunje, A Milne
Engineering know-who: why social connectedness matters to global design teams
A Larsson
Luleå tekniska universitet, 2005
Design methods and factors influencing their uptake in product development companies: a review
S Jagtap, A Warell, V Hiort, D Motte, A Larsson
DS 77: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2014 13th International Design Conference, 2014
Value creation in PSS design through product and packaging innovation processes
A Olsson, AC Larsson
Introduction to product/service-system design, 93-109, 2009
The rise of social product development
M Bertoni, A Larsson, Å Ericson, K Chirumalla, T Larsson, O Isaksson, ...
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 11 (2), 188-207, 2012
Design of product service systems at the base of the pyramid
S Jagtap, A Larsson
ICoRD'13: Global Product Development, 581-592, 2013
VIVACE context based search platform
R Redon, A Larsson, R Leblond, B Longueville
Modeling and Using Context: 6th International and Interdisciplinary …, 2007
Interdependency between average novelty, individual average novelty, and variety
S Jagtap, A Larsson, V Hiort, E Olander, A Warell
International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation 3 (1), 43-60, 2015
Engineering 2.0: exploring lightweight technologies for the virtual enterprise
A Larsson, Å Ericson, T Larsson, O Isaksson, M Bertoni
From CSCW to Web 2.0: European Developments in Collaborative Design …, 2010
Information driven collaborative engineering: enabling functional product innovation
L Karlsson, M Löfstrand, A Larsson, P Törlind, T Larsson, BO Elfström, ...
CCE'05; the knowledge perspective in collabotative engineering, Sopron …, 2005
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