Ola Bergström
Ola Bergström
Professor i Företagsekonomi, Göteborgs Universitet
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Organizational discourse and subjectivity: Subjectification during processes of recruitment
O Bergström, D Knights
Human relations 59 (3), 351-377, 2006
Contingent employment in Europe and the United States
O Bergström, Donald Storrie
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003
Exercising social responsibility in downsizing: Enrolling and mobilizing actors at a Swedish high-tech company
O Bergström, A Diedrich
Organization studies 32 (7), 897-919, 2011
Den nya arbetsmarknaden: Bemanningsbranschens etablering i Sverige
O Bergström, K Håkansson, T Isidorsson, L Walter
Academia Adacta, 2007
Paradoxifying organizational change: Cynicism and resistance in the Swedish Armed Forces
O Bergström, A Styhre, P Thilander
Journal of Change Management 14 (3), 384-404, 2014
Att passa in: Rekryteringsarbete i ett kunskapsintensivt företag
O Bergström
BAS-förlag: Göteborg, 1998
Organizing disciplinary power in a knowledge organization
O Bergström, H Hasselbladh, D Kärreman
Scandinavian Journal of Management 25 (2), 178-190, 2009
Externalization of employees: thinking about going somewhere else
O Bergstrom
International Journal of Human Resource Management 12 (3), 373-388, 2001
Organizing sustainable development: From diffusion to translation
O Bergström, P Dobers
Sustainable Development 8 (4), 167-179, 2000
Increasing commitment after downsizing: The role of involvement and voluntary redundancies
O Bergström, R Arman
Journal of Change Management 17 (4), 297-320, 2017
The job security councils in Sweden
A Diedrich, O Bergström
IMIT report. Göteborg: University, School of Business, Economics, and Law …, 2006
Translating socially responsible workforce reduction—A longitudinal study of workforce reduction in a Swedish company
O Bergström
Scandinavian Journal of Management 23 (4), 384-405, 2007
Handla med människor: perspektiv på human resource management
O Bergström, M Sandoff
Academia adacta, 2004
Changing restructuring regimes in 11 European countries during and after the financial crisis
O Bergström
European Journal of Industrial Relations, 2018
Does contingent employment affect the organization of work
O Bergström
SALTSA—Joint Program for Working Life Research in Europe, 2001
The benefit of market-based governance devices: Reflections on the issue of growing economic inequality as a corporate concern
A Styhre, O Bergström
European Management Journal 37 (4), 413-420, 2019
Irish butchers rather than Irish meat: Trade union responses to agency work in Sweden
O Bergström, A Styhre
Journal of Industrial Relations 52 (4), 477-490, 2010
The Swedish model of restructuring
O Bergström, A Diedrich
Restructuring Work and Employment in Europe: Managing Change in an Era of …, 2008
Temporary work agencies and labour market policy
O Bergström
Göteborg University-School of Economics and Commercial Law/Gothenburg …, 2004
Anticipating restructuring in the European defense industry
O Bergstrom, F Bruggeman, J Ganczewski, K Hartley, D Sellier, ...
A study coordinated by BIPE (a French consulting company) for the European …, 2008
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