Ananda Shankar Basu
Ananda Shankar Basu
Senior Research Engineer, Huawei Research Lab
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Modeling heterogeneous real-time components in BIP
A Basu, M Bozga, J Sifakis
Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal …, 2006
Rigorous component-based system design using the BIP framework
A Basu, B Bensalem, M Bozga, J Combaz, M Jaber, TH Nguyen, J Sifakis
IEEE software 28 (3), 41-48, 2011
Statistical abstraction and model-checking of large heterogeneous systems
A Basu, S Bensalem, M Bozga, B Delahaye, A Legay
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 14, 53-72, 2012
Incremental component-based construction and verification of a robotic system
A Basu, M Gallien, C Lesire, TH Nguyen, S Bensalem, F Ingrand, J Sifakis
ECAI 2008, 631-635, 2008
Using BIP for modeling and verification of networked systems--a case study on tinyos-based networks
A Basu, L Mounier, M Poulhies, J Pulou, J Sifakis
Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications …, 2007
Distributed semantics and implementation for systems with interaction and priority
A Basu, P Bidinger, M Bozga, J Sifakis
International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed …, 2008
Priority scheduling of distributed systems based on model checking
A Basu, S Bensalem, D Peled, J Sifakis
Formal Methods in System Design 39, 229-245, 2011
Verification of an AFDX infrastructure using simulations and probabilities
A Basu, S Bensalem, M Bozga, B Delahaye, A Legay, E Sifakis
International Conference on Runtime Verification, 330-344, 2010
Rigorous system level modeling and analysis of mixed HW/SW systems
P Bourgos, A Basu, M Bozga, S Bensalem, J Sifakis, K Huang
Ninth ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for …, 2011
Rigorous system design: the BIP approach
A Basu, S Bensalem, M Bozga, P Bourgos, J Sifakis
International doctoral workshop on mathematical and engineering methods in …, 2011
Component assemblies in the context of manycore
A Basu, S Bensalem, M Bozga, P Bourgos, M Maheshwari, J Sifakis
International Symposium on Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 314-333, 2011
Component-based modeling of heterogeneous real-time systems in bip
A Basu
Université Joseph-Fourier-Grenoble I, 2008
Stochastic modeling and performance analysis of multimedia socs
B Raman, A Nouri, D Gangadharan, M Bozga, A Basu, M Maheshwari, ...
2013 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures …, 2013
A formal approach to derivation of concurrent implementations in software product lines
S Yovine, I Assayad, FX Defaut, M Zanconi, A Basu
Algebra for Parallel and Distributed Processing, 359-401, 2008
Integrating architectural constraints in application software by source-to-source transformation in bip
P Bourgos, A Basu, S Bensalem, K Huang, J Sifakis
Technical Report TR-2011-1, Verimag Research Report, 2010
A Methodology for Bridging the Gap between UML and Codesign
AS Basu, M Lajolo, M Prevostini
UML for SOC design, 119-146, 2005
Systematic correct construction of self-stabilizing systems: A case study
A Basu, B Bonakdarpour, M Bozga, J Sifakis
Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems: 12th …, 2010
Symbolic implementation of connectors in bip
M Jaber, A Basu, S Bliudze
arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.5446, 2009
UML specifications toward a codesign environment
M Lajolo, AS Basu, M Prevostini
FDL’04-Forum on Specification and Design Languages, 2004
Taxonomic Interference Associated with Phonemic Paraphasias in Agrammatic Primary Progressive Aphasia
MJ Nelson, S Moeller, A Basu, L Christopher, EJ Rogalski, M Greicius, ...
Cerebral Cortex 30 (4), 2529-2541, 2020
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Articles 1–20