Byron Reyes
Byron Reyes
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
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Tracking crop varieties using genotyping-by-sequencing markers: a case study using cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
IY Rabbi, PA Kulakow, JA Manu-Aduening, AA Dankyi, JY Asibuo, ...
BMC genetics 16, 1-11, 2015
Can mobile phone-based animated videos induce learning and technology adoption among low-literate farmers? A field experiment in Burkina Faso
MK Maredia, B Reyes, MN Ba, CL Dabire, B Pittendrigh, J Bello-Bravo
Information Technology for Development 24 (3), 429-460, 2018
Market participation and sale of potatoes by smallholder farmers in the central highlands of Angola: A Double Hurdle approach
B Reyes, C Donovan, RH Bernsten, MK Maredia
Farmer perception and valuation of seed quality: Evidence from bean and cowpea seed auctions in Tanzania and Ghana
MK Maredia, R Shupp, E Opoku, F Mishili, B Reyes, P Kusolwa, F Kusi, ...
Agricultural Economics 50 (4), 495-507, 2019
Testing alternative methods of varietal identification using DNA fingerprinting: Results of pilot studies in Ghana and Zambia
MK Maredia, BA Reyes, J Manu-Aduening, A Dankyi, P Hamazakaza, ...
Coffee and cacao market systems in the Americas: opportunities for supporting renovation and rehabilitation
J Wiegel, M Rio, JF Gutiérrez, L Claros, D Sánchez, L Gómez, C González, ...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2020
Who defines fine chocolate? The construction of global cocoa quality standards from latin america
T Wattnem, J Wiegel, C González, B Reyes
The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 28 (1), 73-87, 2022
Assessing the adoption and economic and environmental impacts of Brachiaria grass forage cultivars in Latin America focusing on the experience in Colombia. Final Technical …
R Labarta, JM Martinez, A Yaccelga, B Reyes, L Gomez, M Maredia, ...
Assessing access and adoption of common bean improved varieties in Zambia
P Hamazakaza, E Katungi, B Ryes, MK Maredia, KK Muimui, M Ojara
Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI), 2014
Genetic diversity of Guatemalan climbing bean collections
MG Tobar Piñón, S Mafi Moghaddam, RK Lee, JC Villatoro Mérida, ...
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 68, 639-656, 2021
Opportunities seized, opportunities missed: Differences in the economic impact of bean research in five Latin American countries
BA Reyes, MK Maredia, RH Bernsten, JC Rosas
Sistemas de mercado de café y cacao en las Américas: oportunidades para apoyar la renovación y la rehabilitación
J Wiegel, M Rio, JF Gutiérrez, L Claros, D Sánchez, L Gómez, C González, ...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2020
The economic impact of improved bean varieties and determinants of market participation: evidence from Latin America and Angola
BA Reyes
Michigan State University. Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics, 2012
Tracking crop varieties using genotyping-by-sequencing markers: a case study using cassava
IY Rabbi, PA Kulakow, JA Manu-Aduening, AA Dankyi, JY Asibuo, ...
Manihot esculenta, 1-15, 0
Baseline Survey Report
B Reyes, C Donovan, V Kelly
Raising the Incomes of Smallholder Farmers in the Central Highlands of …, 2010
An overview of bean production practices, varietal preferences, and consumption patterns in the milpa system of the Guatemalan highlands: Results of a farm household survey
DJ DeYoung, B Reyes, J Osorno, G Mejia, JC Villatoro, MK Maredia
Guidelines for collecting varietal release and adoption data. Objective 2.1. Organize the collection of crop germplasm improvement research related direct outcomes …
M Maredia, B Reyes
Obtención de almidón de plátano (Musa paradisiaca spp) modificado para el proceso de coagulación-floculación Moyobamba, 2017
B Reyes, J Guevara
Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Tarapoto–Perú, 2017
Testing alternative methods of varietal identification using dna fingerprinting: Results of pilot studies in ghana and zambia. Food Security International Development Working …
MK Maredia, BA Reyes, J Manu-Aduening, A Dankyi, P Hamazakaza, ...
Food, and Resource Economics, 2016
Varietal Release and Adoption Data for South, Southeast, and East Asia: SIAC Project (2013-2016). Rome: Independent Science and Partnership Council
M Maredia, B Reyes
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