Sadia Samar Ali
Sadia Samar Ali
Full Professor, Dept. of Industrial Engineering ,Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University
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Exploring the relationship between leadership, operational practices, institutional pressures and environmental performance: A framework for green supply chain
R Dubey, A Gunasekaran, SS Ali
International Journal of Production Economics 160, 120-132, 2015
Identification of flexible manufacturing system dimensions and their interrelationship using total interpretive structural modelling and fuzzy MICMAC analysis
R Dubey, SS Ali
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management 15, 131-143, 2014
Green purchasing is key to superior performance: an empirical study
R Dubey, S Bag, SS Ali, VG Venkatesh
International Journal of Procurement Management 6 (2), 187-210, 2013
Effectiveness of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in implementation of social sustainability in warehousing of developing countries: A hybrid approach
SS Ali, R Kaur
Journal of Cleaner Production 324, 129154, 2021
Evaluating sustainability initiatives in warehouse for measuring sustainability performance: An emerging economy perspective
SS Ali
Annals of Operations Research, 1-40, 2022
Inventory management of perishable products: a time decay linked logistic approach
SS Ali, J Madaan, FTS Chan, S Kannan
International Journal of Production Research 51 (13), 3864-3879, 2013
Quality measurement of Indian commercial hospitals–using a SERVQUAL framework
SS Ali, A Basu, N Ware
Benchmarking: an international journal 25 (3), 815-837, 2018
Reverse logistics optimization of an industrial air conditioner manufacturing company for designing sustainable supply chain: a fuzzy hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approach
SS Ali, T Paksoy, B Torğul, R Kaur
Wireless Networks 26 (8), 5759-5782, 2020
Mechanics of humanitarian supply chain agility and resilience and its empirical validation
R Dubey, SS Ali, P Aital, VG Venkatesh
International Journal of Services and Operations Management 17 (4), 367-384, 2014
Logistics 4.0: Digital transformation of supply chain management
T Paksoy, CG Kochan, SS Ali
CRC Press, 2020
Measuring carbon performance for sustainable green supply chain practices: A developing country scenario
SS Ali, R Kaur, F Ersöz, B Altaf, A Basu, GW Weber
Central European Journal of Operations Research 28 (4), 1389-1416, 2020
Green supply chain practices and its impact on organisational performance: an insight from Indian rubber industry
R Dubey, S Bag, SS Ali
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 19 (1), 20-42, 2014
Developing a hybrid evaluation approach for the low carbon performance on sustainable manufacturing environment
SS Ali, R Kaur, DJ Persis, R Saha, M Pattusamy, VR Sreedharan
Annals of Operations Research, 1-33, 2023
Breast tumor localization and segmentation using machine learning techniques: Overview of datasets, findings, and methods
R Ranjbarzadeh, S Dorosti, SJ Ghoushchi, A Caputo, EB Tirkolaee, SS Ali, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 152, 106443, 2023
Evaluation of the effectiveness of green practices in manufacturing sector using CHAID analysis
S Samar Ali, R Kaur, F Ersöz, L Lotero, GW Weber
Journal of Remanufacturing 9, 3-27, 2019
Multi-Product Multi Echelon Measurements of Perishable Supply Chain: Fuzzy Non-Linear Programming Approach
SK Sadia Samar Ali , Herman, B. , Kaur, R., Tomaskova, H., Sarkar
Mathematics 9, 1-27, 2021
A parallel hybrid PSO-GA algorithm for the flexible flow-shop scheduling with transportation
A Amirteimoori, I Mahdavi, M Solimanpur, SS Ali, EB Tirkolaee
Computers & Industrial Engineering 173, 108672, 2022
Exploration of Critical Success Factors of Logistics 4.0: A DEMATEL Approach.
S Khan, R Singh, A Haleem, J Dsilva, SS Ali
Logistics 6 (13), 2022
ME-CCNN: Multi-encoded images and a cascade convolutional neural network for breast tumor segmentation and recognition
R Ranjbarzadeh, S Jafarzadeh Ghoushchi, N Tataei Sarshar, ...
Artificial Intelligence Review 56 (9), 10099-10136, 2023
Exploring antecedents of extended supply chain performance measures,
RSSA Dubey
Benchmarking: An International Journal 22 (5), 752 - 772, 2015
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Articles 1–20