Tae (Tom) Oh
Cited by
Cited by
Apparatus and method for detecting network attack
IK Kim, YS Choi, DW Kim, JT Oh, JS Jang
US Patent 8,095,973, 2012
Method and apparatus for malware detection
YS Choi, IK Kim, BK Kim, SY Yoon, DW Kim, JT Oh, JS Jang
US Patent App. 12/209,249, 2009
Green progress and prospect in Malaysia
SC Chua, TH Oh
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (6), 2850-2861, 2011
Fast randomized singular value thresholding for nuclear norm minimization
TH Oh, Y Matsushita, YW Tai, I So Kweon
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
Reliable services in MPLS
TM Chen, TH Oh
IEEE Communications Magazine 37 (12), 58-62, 1999
Security issues on wireless body area network for remote healthcare monitoring
S Lim, TH Oh, YB Choi, T Lakshman
2010 IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and …, 2010
Energy efficiency and carbon trading potential in Malaysia
TH Oh, SC Chua
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 14 (7), 2095-2103, 2010
An ultrastructural and immunocytochemical study of astrocytic differentiation in vitro: changes in the composition and distribution of the cellular cytoskeleton
PA Trimmer, PJ Reier, TH Oh, LF Eng
Journal of Neuroimmunology 2 (3-4), 235-260, 1982
Solar energy outlook in Malaysia
SC Chua, TH Oh
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (1), 564-574, 2012
An in-depth analysis of the mirai botnet
J Margolis, TT Oh, S Jadhav, YH Kim, JN Kim
2017 International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA), 6-12, 2017
Method and apparatus for integrating and managing information of mobile terminal
YH Kim, TH Oh, YI Cha, GS Nam, OH Kwon
US Patent 8,868,774, 2014
IoT security vulnerability: A case study of a Web camera
Y Seralathan, TT Oh, S Jadhav, J Myers, JP Jeong, YH Kim, JN Kim
2018 20th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology …, 2018
SAINT: Self-Adaptive Interactive Navigation Tool for Cloud-Based Vehicular Traffic Optimization
DD J. Jeong, Jeong Harrison, E. Lee, Tae Oh
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2016
Image sensor having improved sensitivity and method for making same
T Oh, D Yi, J Lee
US Patent App. 11/244,189, 2006
An autonomous driving system for unknown environments using a unified map
I Shim, J Choi, S Shin, TH Oh, U Lee, B Ahn, DG Choi, DH Shim, ...
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 16 (4), 1999-2013, 2015
A comprehensive survey on vehicular networks for smart roads: A focus on IP-based approaches
J Jeong, Y Shen, T Oh, S Céspedes, N Benamar, M Wetterwald, J Härri
Vehicular Communications 29, 100334, 2021
A comprehensive survey on vehicular networking for safe and efficient driving in smart transportation: A focus on systems, protocols, and applications
HH Jeong, YC Shen, JP Jeong, TT Oh
Vehicular Communications 31, 100349, 2021
Fault restoration and spare capacity allocation with QoS constraints for MPLS networks
TH Oh, TM Chen, JL Kennington
Globecom'00-IEEE. Global Telecommunications Conference. Conference Record …, 2000
Analyzing User Awareness of Privacy Data Leak in Mobile Applications
Y Kim, T Oh, J Kim
Mobile Information Systems, 12, 2015
Best security practices for android, blackberry, and iOS
T Oh, B Stackpole, E Cummins, C Gonzalez, R Ramachandran, S Lim
2012 The First IEEE Workshop on Enabling Technologies for Smartphone and …, 2012
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Articles 1–20