James Finley
James Finley
Associate Professor of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy, University of Southern California
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Walking in fully immersive virtual environments: an evaluation of potential adverse effects in older adults and individuals with Parkinson’s disease
A Kim, N Darakjian, JM Finley
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 14, 1-12, 2017
Learning to be economical: the energy cost of walking tracks motor adaptation
JM Finley, AJ Bastian, JS Gottschall
The Journal of physiology 591 (4), 1081-1095, 2013
Spatial and Temporal Control Contribute to Step Length Asymmetry During Split-Belt Adaptation and Hemiparetic Gait
JM Finley, A Long, AJ Bastian, G Torres-Oviedo
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 29 (8), 786-795, 2015
Daily quantity of infant leg movement: Wearable sensor algorithm and relationship to walking onset
BA Smith, IA Trujillo-Priego, CJ Lane, JM Finley, FB Horak
Sensors 15 (8), 19006-19020, 2015
Analysis of biases in dynamic margins of stability introduced by the use of simplified center of mass estimates during walking and turning
KL Havens, T Mukherjee, JM Finley
Gait & posture 59, 162-167, 2018
Stretch reflex coupling between the hip and knee: implications for impaired gait following stroke
JM Finley, EJ Perreault, YY Dhaher
Experimental brain research 188, 529-540, 2008
Taking advantage of external mechanical work to reduce metabolic cost: the mechanics and energetics of split‐belt treadmill walking
N Sánchez, SN Simha, JM Donelan, JM Finley
The Journal of physiology 597 (15), 4053-4068, 2019
Locomotor skill acquisition in virtual reality shows sustained transfer to the real world
A Kim, N Schweighofer, JM Finley
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 16, 1-10, 2019
Contributions of feed-forward and feedback strategies at the human ankle during control of unstable loads
JM Finley, YY Dhaher, EJ Perreault
Experimental brain research 217, 53-66, 2012
Associations between foot placement asymmetries and metabolic cost of transport in hemiparetic gait
JM Finley, AJ Bastian
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 31 (2), 168-177, 2017
Evidence of energetic optimization during adaptation differs for metabolic, mechanical, and perceptual estimates of energetic cost
N Sánchez, S Park, JM Finley
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 7682, 2017
Using asymmetry to your advantage: learning to acquire and accept external assistance during prolonged split-belt walking
N Sánchez, SN Simha, JM Donelan, JM Finley
Journal of Neurophysiology 125 (2), 344-357, 2021
Individual differences in locomotor function predict the capacity to reduce asymmetry and modify the energetic cost of walking poststroke
N Sánchez, JM Finley
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 32 (8), 701-713, 2018
A novel optic flow pattern speeds split-belt locomotor adaptation
JM Finley, MA Statton, AJ Bastian
Journal of neurophysiology 111 (5), 969-976, 2014
A virtual reality muscle–computer interface for neurorehabilitation in chronic stroke: A pilot study
O Marin-Pardo, CM Laine, M Rennie, KL Ito, J Finley, SL Liew
Sensors 20 (13), 3754, 2020
Age-related changes in gait biomechanics and their impact on the metabolic cost of walking: Report from a National Institute on Aging workshop
KA Boyer, KL Hayes, BR Umberger, PG Adamczyk, JF Bean, JS Brach, ...
Experimental gerontology 173, 112102, 2023
General variability leads to specific adaptation toward optimal movement policies
SJ Abram, KL Poggensee, N Sánchez, SN Simha, JM Finley, SH Collins, ...
Current Biology 32 (10), 2222-2232. e5, 2022
Acceleration dependence and task‐specific modulation of short‐and medium‐latency reflexes in the ankle extensors
JM Finley, YY Dhaher, EJ Perreault
Physiological reports 1 (3), 2013
Bilateral impairments in task-dependent modulation of the long-latency stretch reflex following stroke
RD Trumbower, JM Finley, JB Shemmell, CF Honeycutt, EJ Perreault
Clinical Neurophysiology 124 (7), 1373-1380, 2013
Conservation of reactive stabilization strategies in the presence of step length asymmetries during walking
C Liu, LD Macedo, JM Finley
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12, 251, 2018
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Articles 1–20