Peter Quicke
Peter Quicke
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Advances in two-photon scanning and scanless microscopy technologies for functional neural circuit imaging
SR Schultz, CS Copeland, AJ Foust, P Quicke, R Schuck
Proceedings of the IEEE 105 (1), 139-157, 2016
Subcellular resolution three-dimensional light-field imaging with genetically encoded voltage indicators
P Quicke, CL Howe, P Song, HV Jadan, C Song, T Knöpfel, M Neil, ...
Neurophotonics 7 (3), 035006-035006, 2020
Single-neuron level one-photon voltage imaging with sparsely targeted genetically encoded voltage indicators
P Quicke, C Song, EJ McKimm, MM Milosevic, CL Howe, M Neil, ...
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 13, 39, 2019
Voltage imaging reveals the dynamic electrical signatures of human breast cancer cells
P Quicke, Y Sun, M Arias-Garcia, M Beykou, CD Acker, MBA Djamgoz, ...
Communications Biology 5 (1), 1178, 2022
3D localization for light-field microscopy via convolutional sparse coding on epipolar images
P Song, HV Jadan, CL Howe, P Quicke, AJ Foust, PL Dragotti
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 6, 1017-1032, 2020
All-optical crosstalk-free manipulation and readout of Chronos-expressing neurons
NS Soor, P Quicke, CL Howe, KT Pang, MAA Neil, SR Schultz, AJ Foust
Journal of physics D: Applied physics 52 (10), 104002, 2019
Model-inspired deep learning for light-field microscopy with application to neuron localization
P Song, HV Jadan, CL Howe, P Quicke, AJ Foust, PL Dragotti
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
High speed functional imaging with source localized multifocal two-photon microscopy
P Quicke, S Reynolds, M Neil, T Knöpfel, SR Schultz, AJ Foust
Biomedical Optics Express 9 (8), 3678-3693, 2018
Deep learning for light field microscopy using physics-based models
H Verinaz-Jadan, P Song, CL Howe, P Quicke, AJ Foust, PL Dragotti
2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1091-1094, 2021
Calculation of high numerical aperture lightfield microscope point spread functions
P Quicke, CL Howe, P Song, HV Jadan, PL Dragotti, T Knopfel, AJ Foust, ...
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CW4A. 2, 2019
Improved methods for functional neuronal imaging with genetically encoded voltage indicators
PEH Quicke
Imperial College London, 2019
Rapid three dimensional two photon neural population scanning
R Schuck, P Quicke, C Copeland, S Garasto, LA Annecchino, JK Hwang, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Comparing synthetic refocusing to deconvolution for the extraction of neuronal calcium transients from light fields
CL Howe, P Quicke, P Song, H Verinaz-Jadan, PL Dragotti, AJ Foust
Neurophotonics 9 (4), 041404-041404, 2022
Membrane voltage fluctuations in human breast cancer cells
P Quicke, Y Sun, M Arias-Garcia, CD Acker, MBA Djamgoz, C Bakal, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.12. 20.473148, 2021
Comparing wide field to 3D light field for imaging red calcium transients in mammalian brain
CL Howe, P Quicke, P Song, HV Jadan, PL Dragotti, AJ Foust
Optics and the Brain, BTu2C. 4, 2020
Voltage-Sensitive Optical Probes for Measuring Cell Membrane Potentials: An Update and Applications to “Nonexcitable” Cells
AJ Foust, PEH Quicke, Y Sun, C Bakal, MBA Djamgoz
Bioelectricity 5 (4), 250-265, 2023
An Ultra-Cheap Light Field Microscope for Volumetric Cellular Imaging
Z Zheng, Y Wu, A Gurung, X Liu, LY Li, H Zhu, C Howe, P Quicke, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2023
Balancing the fluorescence imaging budget for all-optical neurophysiology experiments
P Quicke, CL Howe, AJ Foust
All-Optical Methods to Study Neuronal Function 191, 49, 2023
Location estimation for light field microscopy based on convolutional sparse coding
P Song, HV Jadan, P Quicke, CL Howe, AJ Foust, PL Dragotti
Mathematics in Imaging, MM2D. 2, 2019
Imaging of Brain Slices with a Genetically Encoded Voltage Indicator
P Quicke, SJ Barnes, T Knöpfel
Light Microscopy: Methods and Protocols, 73-84, 2017
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Articles 1–20