Niels Chr Overgaard
Cited by
Cited by
A geometric formulation of gradient descent for variational problems with moving surfaces
JE Solem, NC Overgaard
Scale Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision: 5th International Conference …, 2005
Generalization of prostate cancer classification for multiple sites using deep learning
I Arvidsson, NC Overgaard, FE Marginean, A Krzyzanowska, A Bjartell, ...
2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018 …, 2018
An artificial intelligence–based support tool for automation and standardisation of Gleason grading in prostate biopsies
F Marginean, I Arvidsson, A Simoulis, NC Overgaard, K Åström, A Heyden, ...
European urology focus 7 (5), 995-1001, 2021
Initialization techniques for segmentation with the Chan-Vese model
JE Solem, NC Overgaard, A Heyden
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 2, 171-174, 2006
Automatic Gleason grading of H and E stained microscopic prostate images using deep convolutional neural networks
A Gummeson, I Arvidsson, M Ohlsson, NC Overgaard, A Krzyzanowska, ...
Medical Imaging 2017: Digital Pathology 10140, 196-202, 2017
Automatic segmentation of zona pellucida in HMC images of human embryos
A Karlsson, NC Overgaard, A Heyden
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2004
Automatic registration of multi-modal microscopy images for integrative analysis of prostate tissue sections
G Lippolis, A Edsjö, L Helczynski, A Bjartell, NC Overgaard
BMC cancer 13, 1-11, 2013
Extending continuous cuts: Anisotropic metrics and expansion moves
C Olsson, M Byröd, NC Overgaard, F Kahl
2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, 405-412, 2009
Predicting the deposition spot radius and the nanoparticle concentration distribution in an electrostatic precipitator
C Preger, NC Overgaard, ME Messing, MH Magnusson
Aerosol Science and Technology 54 (6), 718-728, 2020
On a modification to the harris corner detector
N Overgaard
Svenska Sällskapet för Bildanalys, Stockholm, Sweden (2003), 2003
Segmentation of the left heart ventricle in ultrasound images using a region based snake
M Landgren, NC Overgaard, A Heyden
Medical Imaging 2013: Image Processing 8669, 1132-1140, 2013
A new mathematical model for chemotactic bacterial colony growth
E Alpkvist, NC Overgaard, S Gustafsson, A Heyden
Water Science and Technology 49 (11-12), 187-192, 2004
Variational segmentation of image sequences using region-based active contours and deformable shape priors
K Fundana, NC Overgaard, A Heyden
International journal of computer vision 80, 289-299, 2008
Simulation of nitrification of municipal wastewater in a Moving Bed™ biofilm process: A bottom-up approach based on a 2D-continuum model for growth and detachment
E Alpkvist, J Bengtsson, NC Overgaard, M Christensson, A Heyden
Water science and technology 55 (8-9), 247-255, 2007
Optimizing parametric total variation models
P Strandmark, F Kahl, NC Overgaard
2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2240-2247, 2009
An automated system for the detection and diagnosis of kidney lesions in children from scintigraphy images
M Landgren, K Sjöstrand, M Ohlsson, D Ståhl, NC Overgaard, K Åström, ...
Image Analysis: 17th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2011, Ystad, Sweden, May …, 2011
Automatic compartment modelling and segmentation for dynamical renal scintigraphies
D Ståhl, K Åström, NC Overgaard, M Landgren, K Sjöstrand, ...
Image Analysis: 17th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2011, Ystad, Sweden, May …, 2011
A two-step area based method for automatic tight segmentation of zona pellucida in HMC images of human embryos
A Karlsson, NC Overgaard, A Heyden
International Conference on Scale-Space Theories in Computer Vision, 503-514, 2005
Comparison of different augmentation techniques for improved generalization performance for gleason grading
I Arvidsson, NC Overgaard, K Åström, A Heyden
2019 IEEE 16th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2019 …, 2019
Separating rigid motion for continuous shape evolution
NC Overgaard, JE Solem
Progress In Computer Vision And Image Analysis, 483-493, 2010
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Articles 1–20