Qi Dai
Cited by
Cited by
Identification of Functional Elements and Regulatory Circuits by Drosophila modENCODE
modENCODE Consortium, S Roy, J Ernst, PV Kharchenko, P Kheradpour, ...
Science 330 (6012), 1787-1797, 2010
Deep annotation of Drosophila melanogaster microRNAs yields insights into their processing, modification, and emergence
E Berezikov, N Robine, A Samsonova, JO Westholm, A Naqvi, JH Hung, ...
Genome research 21 (2), 203-215, 2011
A genome-wide transgenic resource for conditional expression of Drosophila microRNAs
F Bejarano, D Bortolamiol-Becet, Q Dai, K Sun, A Saj, YT Chou, ...
Development 139 (15), 2821-2831, 2012
The BEN domain is a novel sequence-specific DNA-binding domain conserved in neural transcriptional repressors
Q Dai, A Ren, JO Westholm, AA Serganov, DJ Patel, EC Lai
Genes & development 27 (6), 602-614, 2013
Drosophila Ada2b Is Required for Viability and Normal Histone H3 Acetylation
D Qi, J Larsson, M Mannervik
Molecular and cellular biology 24 (18), 8080-8089, 2004
Diversity of miRNAs, siRNAs, and piRNAs across 25 Drosophila cell lines
J Wen, J Mohammed, D Bortolamiol-Becet, H Tsai, N Robine, ...
Genome research 24 (7), 1236-1250, 2014
Drosophila Reptin and other TIP60 complex components promote generation of silent chromatin
D Qi, H Jin, T Lilja, M Mannervik
Genetics 174 (1), 241-251, 2006
The Hippo pathway regulates hematopoiesis in Drosophila melanogaster
CC Milton, FA Grusche, JL Degoutin, E Yu, Q Dai, EC Lai, KF Harvey
Current Biology 24 (22), 2673-2680, 2014
Common and distinct DNA-binding and regulatory activities of the BEN-solo transcription factor family
Q Dai, A Ren, JO Westholm, H Duan, DJ Patel, EC Lai
Genes & development 29 (1), 48-62, 2015
Drosophila Ebi mediates Snail‐dependent transcriptional repression through HDAC3‐induced histone deacetylation
D Qi, M Bergman, H Aihara, Y Nibu, M Mannervik
The EMBO journal 27 (6), 898-909, 2008
Oxidative stress regulates progenitor behavior and cortical neurogenesis
A Chui, Q Zhang, Q Dai, SH Shi
Development 147 (5), dev184150, 2020
Drosophila Brakeless Interacts with Atrophin and Is Required for Tailless-Mediated Transcriptional Repression in Early Embryos
A Haecker, D Qi, T Lilja, B Moussian, LP Andrioli, S Luschnig, ...
PLoS biology 5 (6), e145, 2007
BEND6 is a nuclear antagonist of Notch signaling during self-renewal of neural stem cells
Q Dai, C Andreu-Agullo, R Insolera, LC Wong, SH Shi, EC Lai
Development 140 (9), 1892-1902, 2013
The CBP coactivator functions both upstream and downstream of Dpp/Screw signaling in the early Drosophila embryo
T Lilja, D Qi, M Stabell, M Mannervik
Developmental biology 262 (2), 294-302, 2003
Exploiting Drosophila genetics to understand microRNA function and regulation
Q Dai, P Smibert, EC Lai
Current topics in developmental biology 99, 201-235, 2012
Genome-wide identification of Grainy head targets in Drosophila reveals regulatory interactions with the POU domain transcription factor Vvl
L Yao, S Wang, JO Westholm, Q Dai, R Matsuda, C Hosono, S Bray, ...
Development 144 (17), 3145-3155, 2017
Insensitive is a corepressor for Suppressor of Hairless and regulates Notch signalling during neural development
H Duan, Q Dai, J Kavaler, F Bejarano, G Medranda, N Nègre, EC Lai
The EMBO journal 30 (15), 3120-3133, 2011
Distinct structural bases for sequence-specific DNA binding by mammalian BEN domain proteins
L Zheng, J Liu, L Niu, M Kamran, AWH Yang, A Jolma, Q Dai, TR Hughes, ...
Genes & Development 36 (3-4), 225-240, 2022
Bi-functional cross-linking reagents efficiently capture protein-DNA complexes in Drosophila embryos
T Aoki, D Wolle, E Preger-Ben Noon, Q Dai, EC Lai, P Schedl
Fly 8 (1), 43-51, 2014
BEN-solo factors partition active chromatin to ensure proper gene activation in Drosophila
M Ueberschär, H Wang, C Zhang, S Kondo, T Aoki, P Schedl, EC Lai, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5700, 2019
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Articles 1–20