Steven Kelly
Steven Kelly
CTO at MetaCase, PhD from Univ. of Jyväskylä
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Domain-specific modeling: enabling full code generation
S Kelly, JP Tolvanen
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
MetaEdit+ A Fully Configurable Multi-User and Multi-Tool CASE and CAME Environment
S Kelly, K Lyytinen, M Rossi
Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 1-21, 1996
Defining domain-specific modeling languages to automate product derivation: Collected experiences
JP Tolvanen, S Kelly
International conference on software product lines, 198-209, 2005
The state of the art in language workbenches: Conclusions from the language workbench challenge
S Erdweg, T Van Der Storm, M Völter, M Boersma, R Bosman, WR Cook, ...
Software Language Engineering: 6th International Conference, SLE 2013 …, 2013
Evaluating and comparing language workbenches: Existing results and benchmarks for the future
S Erdweg, T Van Der Storm, M Völter, L Tratt, R Bosman, WR Cook, ...
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 44, 24-47, 2015
Domain-Specific Modeling.
J Gray, S Neema, JP Tolvanen, AS Gokhale, S Kelly, J Sprinkle
Handbook of dynamic system modeling 7, 7-1, 2007
Worst practices for domain-specific modeling
S Kelly, R Pohjonen
IEEE software 26 (4), 22-29, 2009
Visual domain-specific modelling: Benefits and experiences of using metaCASE tools
S Kelly, JP Tolvanen
International Workshop on Model Engineering, at ECOOP 2000, 1-9, 2000
MetaEdit+: defining and using integrated domain-specific modeling languages
JP Tolvanen, S Kelly
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference companion on Object oriented …, 2009
Evaluating the use of domain-specific modeling in practice
J Kärnä, JP Tolvanen, S Kelly
Proceedings of the 9th OOPSLA workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, 2009
Model-Driven Development Challenges and Solutions: Experiences with Domain-Specific Modelling in Industry
JP Tolvanen, S Kelly
MODELSWARD 2016, 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering …, 2016
Domain-specific modeling
R Pohjonen, S Kelly
Dr. Dobb’s Journal 27 (08), 2002
Modularization constructs in method engineering: towards common ground?
PJ Ågerfalk, S Brinkkemper, C Gonzalez-Perez, B Henderson-Sellers, ...
Situational Method Engineering: Fundamentals and Experiences: Proceedings of …, 2007
Advanced tooling for domain-specific modeling: MetaEdit+
JP Tolvanen, R Pohjonen, S Kelly
The 7th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, Finland, 104, 2007
Comparison of Eclipse EMF/GEF and MetaEdit+ for DSM
S Kelly
19th annual ACM conference on object-oriented programming, systems …, 2004
Integrating models with domain-specific modeling languages
JP Tolvanen, S Kelly
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Domain-specific Modeling, 1-6, 2010
MetaEdit+: integrated modeling and metamodeling environment for domain-specific languages
JP Tolvanen, S Kelly
Companion to the 21st ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Object-oriented programming …, 2009
Evolution and issues in metaCASE
S Kelly, K Smolander
Information and Software Technology 38 (4), 261-266, 1996
Effort Used to Create Domain-Specific Modeling Languages
JP Tolvanen, Kelly, Steven
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and …, 2018
What is Needed in a MetaCASE Environment?
S Kelly, M Rossi, JP Tolvanen
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISAJ) 1 (1), 25-35, 2005
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Articles 1–20