Jesper Sandin
Jesper Sandin
VTI, the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
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Vehicle control and drowsiness
A Kircher, M Uddman, J Sandin
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2002
An analysis of common patterns in aggregated causation charts from intersection crashes
J Sandin
Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (3), 624-632, 2009
Design and performance of the VTI Sim IV
J Jansson, J Sandin, B Augusto, M Fischer, B Blissing, L Källgren
Driving simulation conference, 128-138, 2014
How do drivers respond to silent automation failures? Driving simulator study and comparison of computational driver braking models
G Bianchi Piccinini, E Lehtonen, F Forcolin, J Engström, D Albers, ...
Human factors 62 (7), 1212-1229, 2020
How do drivers respond to silent automation failures? Driving simulator study and comparison of computational driver braking models
G Bianchi Piccinini, E Lehtonen, F Forcolin, J Engström, D Albers, ...
Human factors 62 (7), 1212-1229, 2020
Manual for DREAM 3.0, Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method. Deliverable D5. 6 of the EU FP6 project SafetyNet, TREN-04-FP6TRSI2. 395465/506723.
H Wallén Warner, M Ljung, J Sandin, E Johansson, G Björklund
Chalmers University of Technology, 2008
Manual for DREAM 3.0, Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method. Deliverable D5. 6 of the EU FP6 project SafetyNet, TREN-04-FP6TRSI2. 395465/506723.
H Wallén Warner, M Ljung, J Sandin, E Johansson, G Björklund
Chalmers University of Technology, 2008
Manual for DREAM 3.0, Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method. Deliverable D5. 6 of the EU FP6 project SafetyNet, TREN-04-FP6TRSI2. 395465/506723.
H Wallén Warner, M Ljung, J Sandin, E Johansson, G Björklund
Chalmers University of Technology, 2008
The intercoder agreement when using the Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method in road traffic accident investigations
HW Warner, J Sandin
Safety science 48 (5), 527-536, 2010
Understanding the causation of single-vehicle crashes: a methodology for in-depth on-scene multidisciplinary case studies
J Sandin, M Ljung
International Journal of Vehicle Safety 2 (3), 316-333, 2007
Manual for DREAM 3.0, driving reliability and error analysis method
H Wallén Warner, M Ljung Aust, J Sandin, E Johansson, G Björklund
Deliverable D5 6, 2008
On actions of long combination vehicle drivers prior to lane changes in dense highway traffic–A driving simulator study
P Nilsson, L Laine, J Sandin, B Jacobson, O Eriksson
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 55, 25-37, 2018
Accident investigations for active safety at CHALMERS–new demands require new methodologies
M Ljung, H Fagerlind, P Lövsund, J Sandin
Vehicle System Dynamics 45 (10), 881-894, 2007
Accident models for modern road traffic: changing times creates new demands
YH Huang, M Ljung, J Sandin, E Hollnagel
2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE Cat …, 2004
Manual for DREAM 3.0, driving reliability and error analysis method
H Wallén Warner, M Ljung Aust, J Sandin, E Johansson, G Björklund
Deliverable D5 6, 2008
Traffic safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles and implications for High Capacity Transport vehicles
J Sandin, A Bálint, H Fagerlind, S Kharrazi
Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris, 2014
Identification of Road User related Risk Factors
R Talbot, E Aigner-Breuss, S Kaiser, R Alfonsi, E Braun, A Eichhorn, ...
SAfetyCube Deliverable 41, 2016
Performance based standards for high capacity transports in Sweden: FIFFI project 2013-03881: Report 1: Review of existing regulations and literature
S Kharrazi, R Karlsson, J Sandin, J Aurell
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2015
Aggregating case studies of vehicle crashes by means of causation charts: an evaluation and revision of the driving reliability and error analysis method
J Sandin
Chalmers University of Technology, 2008
Trafiksäkerhetseffekter vid införande av längre och tyngre fordon: en kunskapsöversikt
M Hjort, J Sandin
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2012
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Articles 1–20