Thomas Franssen
Thomas Franssen
Researcher, CWTS, Leiden University
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Coping with uncertainty, abundance and strife: Decision-making processes of Dutch acquisition editors in the global market for translations
T Franssen, G Kuipers
Poetics 41 (1), 48-74, 2013
The drawbacks of project funding for epistemic innovation: Comparing institutional affordances and constraints of different types of research funding
T Franssen, W Scholten, LK Hessels, S de Rijcke
Minerva 56, 11-33, 2018
Science and its significant other: Representing the humanities in bibliometric scholarship
T Franssen, P Wouters
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2019
Large-scale identification and characterization of scholars on Twitter
R Costas, P Mongeon, MR Ferreira, J van Honk, T Franssen
Quantitative Science Studies 1 (2), 771-791, 2020
Research groups as communities of practice—a case study of four high-performing research groups
L Degn, T Franssen, MP Sørensen, S de Rijcke
Higher Education 76, 231-246, 2018
Variation in valuation: How research groups accumulate credibility in four epistemic cultures
LK Hessels, T Franssen, W Scholten, S De Rijcke
Minerva 57, 127-149, 2019
Portfolios of worth: Capitalizing on basic and clinical problems in biomedical research groups
A Rushforth, T Franssen, S de Rijcke
Science, Technology, & Human Values 44 (2), 209-236, 2019
Reflections around ‘the cautionary use’of the h-index: response to Teixeira da Silva and Dobránszki
R Costas, T Franssen
Scientometrics 115, 1125-1130, 2018
Clouded judgments? Aesthetics, morality and everyday life in early 21st century culture
G Kuipers, T Franssen, S Holla
European Journal of Cultural Studies 22 (4), 383-398, 2019
Sociology of literature and publishing in the early 21st century: Away from the centre
T Franssen, G Kuipers
Cultural Sociology 9 (3), 291-295, 2015
Making materiality matter: A sociological analysis of prices on the Dutch fiction book market, 1980–2009
T Franssen, O Velthuis
Socio-Economic Review 14 (2), 363-381, 2016
Funding for few, anticipation among all: Effects of excellence funding on academic research groups
W Scholten, TP Franssen, L van Drooge, S de Rijcke, LK Hessels
Science and Public Policy 48 (2), 265-275, 2021
Diversity in the large-scale pole of literary production: An analysis of publishers’ lists and the Dutch literary space, 2000–2009
T Franssen
Cultural Sociology 9 (3), 382-400, 2015
‘Excellence’in the research ecosystem: a literature review
L Jong, T Franssen, S Pinfield
RoRI Working Paper Series 5 (5), 2021
The rise of project funding and its effects on the social structure of academia
T Franssen, S De Rijcke
The social structures of global academia, 144-161, 2019
How books travel: Translation flows and practices of Dutch acquiring editors and New York literary scouts, 1980-2009
TP Franssen
Universiteit van Amsterdam [Host], 2015
The European Commission’s Green Deal is an opportunity to rethink harmful practices of research and innovation policy
MJ Bernstein, T Franssen, RDJ Smith, M de Wilde
Ambio 52 (3), 508-517, 2023
The material practices of quantification: Measuring ‘deprivation’in the Amsterdam Neighbourhood Policy
M De Wilde, T Franssen
Critical Social Policy 36 (4), 489-510, 2016
G Kuipers, T Franssen
Pragmatic Inquiry, 143-168, 2020
Revealing the quantitative-qualitative divide in sociology using bibliometric visualization
V Traag, T Franssen
CWTS blog, 2016
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