Miguel Ángel Naya Villaverde
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Cited by
On the effect of multirate co-simulation techniques in the efficiency and accuracy of multibody system dynamics
F González, MÁ Naya, A Luaces, M González
Multibody System Dynamics 25, 461-483, 2011
A combined penalty and recursive real-time formulation for multibody dynamics
J Cuadrado, D Dopico, M Gonzalez, MA Naya
J. Mech. Des. 126 (4), 602-608, 2004
A comparison in terms of accuracy and efficiency between a MBS dynamic formulation with stress analysis and a non‐linear FEA code
J Cuadrado, R Gutierrez, MA Naya, P Morer
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 51 (9), 1033-1052, 2001
Penalty, semi-recursive and hybrid methods for MBS real-time dynamics in the context of structural integrators
J Cuadrado, D Dopico, MA Naya, M Gonzalez
Multibody system dynamics 12, 117-132, 2004
Automotive observers based on multibody models and the extended Kalman filter
J Cuadrado, D Dopico, JA Perez, R Pastorino
Multibody System Dynamics 27, 3-19, 2012
An efficient unified method for the combined simulation of multibody and hydraulic dynamics: comparison with simplified and co-integration approaches
MA Naya, J Cuadrado, D Dopico, U Lugris
Archive of Mechanical Engineering, 223-243-223-243, 2011
State, parameter and input observers based on multibody models and Kalman filters for vehicle dynamics
AJ Rodríguez, E Sanjurjo, R Pastorino, MÁ Naya
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 155, 107544, 2021
State and force observers based on multibody models and the indirect Kalman filter
E Sanjurjo, D Dopico, A Luaces, MÁ Naya
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 106, 210-228, 2018
Accuracy and efficiency comparison of various nonlinear Kalman filters applied to multibody models
E Sanjurjo, MÁ Naya, JL Blanco-Claraco, JL Torres-Moreno, ...
Nonlinear Dynamics 88 (3), 1935-1951, 2017
Experimental validation of a flexible MBS dynamic formulation through comparison between measured and calculated stresses on a prototype car
J Cuadrado, R Gutiérrez, MA Naya, M González
Multibody System Dynamics 11, 147-166, 2004
On the cosimulation of multibody systems and hydraulic dynamics
J Rahikainen, F González, MÁ Naya, J Sopanen, A Mikkola
Multibody System Dynamics 50 (2), 143-167, 2020
Geared PM coreless motor modelling for driver’s force feedback in steer-by-wire systems
R Pastorino, MA Naya, JA Pérez, J Cuadrado
Mechatronics 21 (6), 1043-1054, 2011
Assessment of linearization approaches for multibody dynamics formulations
F González, P Masarati, J Cuadrado, MA Naya
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 12 (4), 041009, 2017
Real-time multibody dynamics and applications
J Cuadrado, D Dopico, MA Naya, M González
Simulation Techniques for Applied Dynamics, 247-311, 2009
An automated methodology to select functional co-simulation configurations
J Rahikainen, F González, MÁ Naya
Multibody System Dynamics 48 (1), 79-103, 2020
An optimum design procedure for two-finger grippers: a case of study
J Cuadrado, MA Naya, M Ceccarelli, G Carbone
IFToMM Electronic Journal of Computational Kinematics 15403 (1), 2002, 2002
Implementation and efficiency of two geometric stiffening approaches
U Lugrís, MA Naya, JA Pérez, J Cuadrado
Multibody System Dynamics 20, 147-161, 2008
Efficient calculation of the inertia terms in floating frame of reference formulations for flexible multibody dynamics
U Lugrís, MA Naya, A Luaces, J Cuadrado
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of …, 2009
Performance and application criteria of two fast formulations for flexible multibody dynamics
U Lugris, MA Naya, F Gonzalez, J Cuadrado
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 35 (4), 381-404, 2007
Roll angle estimator based on angular rate measurements for bicycles
E Sanjurjo, MA Naya, J Cuadrado, AL Schwab
Vehicle system dynamics, 2019
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Articles 1–20