Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir
Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir
Associate Professor
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The academic–vocational divide in three Nordic countries: Implications for social class and gender
M Nylund, PÅ Rosvall, E Eiríksdóttir, AS Holm, U Isopahkala-Bouret, ...
Education Inquiry 9 (1), 97-121, 2018
Ásrún Matthíasdóttir og Jón Friðrik Sigurðsson.(2010). Velferð kennara er lykillinn að öflugum framhaldsskóla. Rannsókn á starfsánægju og starfsumhverfi framhaldsskólakennara
G Ragnarsdóttir
Netla–Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun 19 (1-2), 113-127, 0
School leaders’ perceptions of contemporary change at the upper secondary school level in Iceland
G Ragnarsdóttir
Interaction of actors and social structures facilitating or constraining change, 2018
Curriculum, crisis and the work and well-being of Icelandic upper secondary school teachers
G Ragnarsdóttir, I Ásgeir Jóhannesson
Education Inquiry 5 (1), 24045, 2014
Kvika menntabreytinga: Viðbrögð framhaldsskólans við kröfum menntayfirvalda um breytingar
G Ragnarsdóttir
Netla, 2018
Evidence and accountability in Icelandic education–An historical perspective?
JT Jónasson, VS Bjarnadóttir, G Ragnarsdóttir
What works in Nordic school policies? Mapping approaches to evidence, social …, 2021
The intricacies of educational development in Iceland: Stability or disruption?
JT Jónasson, G Ragnarsdóttir, VS Bjarnadóttir
What works in Nordic school policies? Mapping approaches to evidence, social …, 2021
School Leaders’ Perceptions of Contemporary Change at the Upper Secondary School Level in Iceland: Interaction of actors and social structures facilitating or constraining change
G Ragnarsdóttir
University of Iceland, School of Education, 2018
Selection for whom? Upper secondary school choice in the light of social justice
E Eiríksdóttir, KS Blöndal, G Ragnarsdóttir
Governance and choice of upper secondary education in the Nordic countries …, 2022
School leaders’ actions and hybridity when carrying out reform and confronting teachers’ responses: Institutional and organisational perspectives
G Ragnarsdóttir
Education Inquiry 14 (1), 40-65, 2023
Amalía Björnsdóttir og Elsa Eiríksdóttir.(2020). Fjarkennsla í faraldri: Nám og kennsla í framhaldsskólum á tímum samkomubanns vegna COVID-19
SM Gestsdóttir, G Ragnarsdóttir
Sérrit Netlu 2020–Menntakerfi og heimili á tímum COVID 19, 2020
Þversagnir og kerfisvillur? Kortlagning á ólíkri stöðu bóknáms-og starfsnámsbrauta á framhaldsskólastigi
E Eiríksdóttir, G Ragnarsdóttir, JT Jónasson
Netla, 2018
The key role of moderators in online communities of teachers: How presences support co-construction of knowledge in asynchronous discussions
P Mompoint-Gaillard, G Ragnarsdóttir, JT Jónasson
Teaching and Teacher Education 116, 103751, 2022
Stofnunareðli framhaldsskóla í faraldurskreppu: Ný reynsla og breytt umboð skólastjórnenda
G Ragnarsdóttir, JT Jónasson
The impact of the university on upper secondary education through academic subjects according to school leaders’ perceptions
G Ragnarsdóttir, JT Jónasson
Re-centering the Critical Potential of Nordic School Leadership Research …, 2020
Leading the dance. The role of teacher collaboration and collegiality during sudden disruptions.
ÞÁ Sürmeli, G Ragnarsdóttir, SM Gestsdóttir
Teaching and Teacher Education 139, 104453, 2024
Cascading effect of upper secondary education policy reform: the experiences and perspectives of university teachers
M Jónasdóttir, G Ragnarsdóttir, E Eiríksdóttir
Education Inquiry, 1-21, 2023
„Við skiptum máli fyrir samfélagið “: Samfélagslegt mikilvægi og flókin samkeppnisstaða tveggja framhaldsskóla í dreifðum byggðum
VS Bjarnadóttir, G Ragnarsdóttir
Evidence-based publications on upper secondary education in Iceland, 2003–2012
G Ragnarsdóttir, IÁ Jóhannesson, JT Jónasson, BE Halldórsdóttir
Velferð kennara er lykillinn að öflugum framhaldsskóla: rannsókn á starfsánægju og starfsumhverfi framhaldsskólakennara
G Ragnarsdóttir, Á Matthíasdóttir, JF Sigurðsson
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