Ye Deng
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Cited by
Molecular ecological network analyses
Y Deng, YH Jiang, Y Yang, Z He, F Luo, J Zhou
BMC bioinformatics 13, 1-20, 2012
Deep-sea oil plume enriches indigenous oil-degrading bacteria
TC Hazen, EA Dubinsky, TZ DeSantis, GL Andersen, YM Piceno, N Singh, ...
Science 330 (6001), 204-208, 2010
Functional molecular ecological networks
J Zhou, Y Deng, F Luo, Z He, Q Tu, X Zhi
MBio 1 (4), 10.1128/mbio. 00169-10, 2010
Phylogenetic Molecular Ecological Network of Soil Microbial Communities in Response to Elevated CO2
J Zhou, Y Deng, F Luo, Z He, Y Yang
MBio 2 (4), 10.1128/mbio. 00122-11, 2011
Stochasticity, succession, and environmental perturbations in a fluidic ecosystem
J Zhou, YE Deng, P Zhang, K Xue, Y Liang, JD Van Nostrand, Y Yang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (9), E836-E845, 2014
A general framework for quantitatively assessing ecological stochasticity
D Ning, Y Deng, JM Tiedje, J Zhou
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (34), 16892-16898, 2019
Correlation detection strategies in microbial data sets vary widely in sensitivity and precision
S Weiss, W Van Treuren, C Lozupone, K Faust, J Friedman, Y Deng, ...
The ISME journal 10 (7), 1669-1681, 2016
Global diversity and biogeography of bacterial communities in wastewater treatment plants
L Wu, D Ning, B Zhang, Y Li, P Zhang, X Shan, Q Zhang, MR Brown, Z Li, ...
Nature microbiology 4 (7), 1183-1195, 2019
Microbial mediation of carbon-cycle feedbacks to climate warming
J Zhou, K Xue, J Xie, YE Deng, L Wu, X Cheng, S Fei, S Deng, Z He, ...
Nature Climate Change 2 (2), 106-110, 2012
Temperature mediates continental-scale diversity of microbes in forest soils
J Zhou, YE Deng, L Shen, C Wen, Q Yan, D Ning, Y Qin, K Xue, L Wu, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12083, 2016
Reproducibility and quantitation of amplicon sequencing-based detection
J Zhou, L Wu, Y Deng, X Zhi, YH Jiang, Q Tu, J Xie, JD Van Nostrand, ...
The ISME journal 5 (8), 1303-1313, 2011
High-throughput metagenomic technologies for complex microbial community analysis: open and closed formats
J Zhou, Z He, Y Yang, Y Deng, SG Tringe, L Alvarez-Cohen
MBio 6 (1), 10.1128/mbio. 02288-14, 2015
Network succession reveals the importance of competition in response to emulsified vegetable oil amendment for uranium bioremediation
Y Deng, P Zhang, Y Qin, Q Tu, Y Yang, Z He, CW Schadt, J Zhou
Environmental Microbiology 18 (1), 205-218, 2016
Metagenomic insights into evolution of a heavy metal-contaminated groundwater microbial community
CL Hemme, Y Deng, TJ Gentry, MW Fields, L Wu, S Barua, K Barry, ...
The ISME journal 4 (5), 660-672, 2010
Biodiversity and species competition regulate the resilience of microbial biofilm community
K Feng, Z Zhang, W Cai, W Liu, M Xu, H Yin, A Wang, Z He, Y Deng
Molecular ecology 26 (21), 6170-6182, 2017
GeoChip 3.0 as a high-throughput tool for analyzing microbial community composition, structure and functional activity
Z He, Y Deng, JD Van Nostrand, Q Tu, M Xu, CL Hemme, X Li, L Wu, ...
The ISME journal 4 (9), 1167-1179, 2010
Tundra soil carbon is vulnerable to rapid microbial decomposition under climate warming
K Xue, M M. Yuan, Z J. Shi, Y Qin, YE Deng, L Cheng, L Wu, Z He, ...
Nature Climate Change 6 (6), 595-600, 2016
Stochastic assembly leads to alternative communities with distinct functions in a bioreactor microbial community
J Zhou, W Liu, Y Deng, YH Jiang, K Xue, Z He, JD Van Nostrand, L Wu, ...
MBio 4 (2), 10.1128/mbio. 00584-12, 2013
Metagenomic analysis reveals a marked divergence in the structure of belowground microbial communities at elevated CO2
Z He, M Xu, Y Deng, S Kang, L Kellogg, L Wu, JD Van Nostrand, ...
Ecology Letters 13 (5), 564-575, 2010
Microbial gene functions enriched in the Deepwater Horizon deep-sea oil plume
Z Lu, Y Deng, JD Van Nostrand, Z He, J Voordeckers, A Zhou, YJ Lee, ...
The ISME Journal 6 (2), 451-460, 2012
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Articles 1–20