Ana Asenjo-Garcia
Ana Asenjo-Garcia
Associate Professor of Physics, Columbia University
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Cited by
Exponential Improvement in Photon Storage Fidelities Using Subradiance and “Selective Radiance” in Atomic Arrays
A Asenjo-Garcia, M Moreno-Cardoner, A Albrecht, HJ Kimble, DE Chang
Physical Review X 7, 031024, 2017
Three-dimensional plasmonic chiral tetramers assembled by DNA origami
X Shen, A Asenjo-Garcia, Q Liu, Q Jiang, FJ García de Abajo, N Liu, ...
Nano letters 13 (5), 2128-2133, 2013
Polariton panorama
DN Basov, A Asenjo-Garcia, PJ Schuck, X Zhu, A Rubio
Nanophotonics 10 (1), 549-577, 2020
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with atom-like mirrors
M Mirhosseini, E Kim, X Zhang, A Sipahigil, PB Dieterle, AJ Keller, ...
Nature 569, 692–697, 2019
Atom-atom interactions around the band edge of a photonic crystal waveguide
JD Hood, A Goban, A Asenjo-Garcia, M Lu, SP Yu, DE Chang, HJ Kimble
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (38), 10507–10512, 2016
Multiphoton absorption and emission by interaction of swift electrons with evanescent light fields
FJ García de Abajo, A Asenjo-Garcia, M Kociak
Nano letters 10 (5), 1859-1863, 2010
Atom-light interactions in quasi-one-dimensional nanostructures: A Green's-function perspective
A Asenjo-Garcia, JD Hood, DE Chang, HJ Kimble
Physical Review A 95, 033818, 2017
Hot-Electron Dynamics and Thermalization in Small Metallic Nanoparticles
JRM Saavedra, A Asenjo-Garcia, FJ García de Abajo
ACS Photonics 3 (9), 1637–1646, 2016
Subradiant states of quantum bits coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide
A Albrecht, L Henriet, A Asenjo-Garcia, PB Dieterle, O Painter, DE Chang
New Journal of Physics 21 (2), 025003, 2019
Enhanced tunable second harmonic generation from twistable interfaces and vertical superlattices in boron nitride homostructures
K Yao, NR Finney, J Zhang, SL Moore, L Xian, N Tancogne-Dejean, F Liu, ...
Science Advances 7 (10), eabe8691, 2021
Universality of Dicke superradiance in arrays of quantum emitters
SJ Masson, A Asenjo-Garcia
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2285, 2022
3D plasmonic chiral colloids
X Shen, P Zhan, A Kuzyk, Q Liu, A Asenjo-Garcia, H Zhang, FJG De Abajo, ...
Nanoscale 6 (4), 2077-2081, 2014
Many-body signatures of collective decay in atomic chains
SJ Masson, I Ferrier-Barbut, LA Orozco, A Browaeys, A Asenjo-Garcia
Physical review letters 125 (26), 263601, 2020
Dichroism in the interaction between vortex electron beams, plasmons, and molecules
A Asenjo-Garcia, FJ García de Abajo
Physical review letters 113 (6), 066102, 2014
Optimization of photon storage fidelity in ordered atomic arrays
MT Manzoni, M Moreno-Cardoner, A Asenjo-Garcia, JV Porto, A Gorshkov, ...
New Journal of Physics 20, 083048, 2018
Atomic-waveguide quantum electrodynamics
SJ Masson, A Asenjo-Garcia
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043213, 2020
Alternating Plasmonic Nanoparticle Heterochains Made by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Their Optical Properties
Y Zhao, L Xu, LM Liz-Marzán, H Kuang, W Ma, A Asenjo-Garcia, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013
Plasmon electron energy-gain spectroscopy
A Asenjo-Garcia, FJG De Abajo
New Journal of Physics 15 (10), 103021, 2013
Dicke superradiance in ordered lattices: dimensionality matters
E Sierra, SJ Masson, A Asenjo-Garcia
Physical Review Research 4 (2), 023207, 2022
Optical waveguiding by atomic entanglement in multilevel atom arrays
A Asenjo-Garcia, HJ Kimble, DE Chang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (51), 25503-25511, 2019
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Articles 1–20