Bhargava Sista
Cited by
Cited by
A Bayesian approach to selecting hyperelastic constitutive models of soft tissue
S Madireddy, B Sista, K Vemaganti
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 291, 102-122, 2015
Bayesian calibration of hyperelastic constitutive models of soft tissue
S Madireddy, B Sista, K Vemaganti
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 59, 108-127, 2016
Estimation of statistical parameters of rough surfaces suitable for developing micro-asperity friction models
B Sista, K Vemaganti
Wear 316 (1-2), 6-18, 2014
A computational study of the effects of strain hardening in micro-asperity friction models
P Bhagwat, B Sista, K Vemaganti
Tribology Letters 65, 1-14, 2017
A computational study of dry static friction between elastoplastic surfaces using a statistically homogenized microasperity model
B Sista, K Vemaganti
Journal of Tribology 137 (2), 021601, 2015
Testing the validity of Greenwood and Tripp’s sum surface assumption for elastic-plastic contact
A Roy, B Sista, K Vemaganti
Journal of Tribology 142 (10), 101501, 2020
Dry Static Friction in Metals: Experiments and Micro-Asperity Based Modeling
SNB Sista
University of Cincinnati, 2014
Modeling and simulation of the high strain-rate response of brain tissue for traumatic brain injury applications
B Sista, K Vemaganti
Ohio State University Injury Biomechanics Symposium, 2011
Viscohyperelastic Constitutive Modeling of Bovine Brain Tissue at High Strain Rates to Simulate Traumatic Brain Injury
SNB Sista
University of Cincinnati, 2011
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Articles 1–9