Jaemin Jo
Cited by
Cited by
Large-scale text-to-image generation models for visual artists’ creative works
HK Ko, G Park, H Jeon, J Jo, J Kim, J Seo
Proceedings of the 28th international conference on intelligent user …, 2023
LiveGantt: Interactively Visualizing a Large Manufacturing Schedule
J Jo, J Huh, J Park, B Kim, J Seo
Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 20 (12), 2329 - 2338, 2014
TouchPivot: blending WIMP & post-WIMP interfaces for data exploration on tablet devices
J Jo, S L'Yi, B Lee, J Seo
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Comparative layouts revisited: Design space, guidelines, and future directions
S LYi, J Jo, J Seo
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (2), 1525-1535, 2020
PANENE: A progressive algorithm for indexing and querying approximate k-nearest neighbors
J Jo, J Seo, JD Fekete
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2018
A declarative rendering model for multiclass density maps
J Jo, F Vernier, P Dragicevic, JD Fekete
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (1), 470-480, 2018
WordlePlus: Expanding Wordle's Use through Natural Interaction and Animation
J Jo, B Lee, J Seo
IEEE computer graphics and applications, 20-28, 2015
EyeBookmark: Assisting recovery from interruption during reading
J Jo, B Kim, J Seo
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
A Progressive K-D Tree for Approximate K-Nearest Neighbors
J Jo, J Seo, JD Fekete
DSIA: Data Systems for Interactive Analysis Workshop (IEEE VIS 2017), 2017
IntelliCAT: Intelligent machine translation post-editing with quality estimation and translation suggestion
D Lee, J Ahn, H Park, J Jo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.12172, 2021
Joint t-SNE for Comparable Projections of Multiple High-Dimensional Datasets
Y Wang, L Chen, J Jo, Y Wang
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (1), 623-632, 2021
Measuring and explaining the inter-cluster reliability of multidimensional projections
H Jeon, HK Ko, J Jo, Y Kim, J Seo
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (1), 551-561, 2021
We-toon: A Communication Support System between Writers and Artists in Collaborative Webtoon Sketch Revision
HK Ko, S An, G Park, SK Kim, D Kim, B Kim, J Jo, J Seo
Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and …, 2022
Progressive Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
HK Ko, J Jo, J Seo
EuroVis 2020 - Short Papers, 133-137, 2020
Proreveal: Progressive visual analytics with safeguards
J Jo, S L’Yi, B Lee, J Seo
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (7), 3109-3122, 2019
Disentangled Representation of Data Distributions in Scatterplots
J Jo, J Seo
2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 136-140, 2019
LongLine: Visual analytics system for large-scale audit logs
S Yoo, J Jo, B Kim, J Seo
Visual Informatics 2 (1), 82-97, 2018
SwiftTuna: Responsive and incremental visual exploration of large-scale multidimensional data
J Jo, W Kim, S Yoo, B Kim, J Seo
Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2017 IEEE, 2017
Uniform manifold approximation with two-phase optimization
H Jeon, HK Ko, S Lee, J Jo, J Seo
2022 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 80-84, 2022
Hyperion: A visual analytics tool for an intrusion detection and prevention system
S Yoo, J Jo, B Kim, J Seo
IEEE Access 8, 133865-133881, 2020
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Articles 1–20