Jeremy T. Bruskotter
Jeremy T. Bruskotter
Professor, School of Environment & Natural Resources, The Ohio State University
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Cited by
Why social values cannot be changed for the sake of conservation
MJ Manfredo, JT Bruskotter, TL Teel, D Fulton, SH Schwartz, R Arlinghaus, ...
Conservation Biology 31 (4), 772-780, 2017
Tolerance for predatory wildlife
A Treves, J Bruskotter
Science 344 (6183), 476-477, 2014
Determining where the wild things will be: using psychological theory to find tolerance for large carnivores
JT Bruskotter, RS Wilson
Conservation Letters 7 (3), 158-165, 2014
Saving the world's terrestrial megafauna
WJ Ripple, G Chapron, JV López-Bao, SM Durant, DW Macdonald, ...
BioScience 66 (10), 807-812, 2016
Evaluating whether nature's intrinsic value is an axiom of or anathema to conservation
JA Vucetich, JT Bruskotter, MP Nelson
Conservation Biology 29 (2), 321-332, 2015
The perceived psychological distance of climate change impacts and its influence on support for adaptation policy
AS Singh, A Zwickle, JT Bruskotter, R Wilson
Environmental Science & Policy 73, 93-99, 2017
Changes in attitudes toward animals in the United States from 1978 to 2014
KA George, KM Slagle, RS Wilson, SJ Moeller, JT Bruskotter
Biological Conservation 201, 237-242, 2016
Attitudes toward wolves in the United States and Canada: a content analysis of the print news media, 1999–2008
MJ Houston, JT Bruskotter, D Fan
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 15 (5), 389-403, 2010
Social and cognitive correlates of Utah residents' acceptance of the lethal control of wolves
JT Bruskotter, JJ Vaske, RH Schmidt
Human dimensions of wildlife 14 (2), 119-132, 2009
The changing sociocultural context of wildlife conservation
MJ Manfredo, TL Teel, AW Don Carlos, L Sullivan, AD Bright, AM Dietsch, ...
Conservation Biology 34 (6), 1549-1559, 2020
Just conservation: What is it and should we pursue it?
JA Vucetich, D Burnham, EA Macdonald, JT Bruskotter, S Marchini, ...
Biological Conservation 221, 23-33, 2018
Emotions and the ethics of consequence in conservation decisions: Lessons from Cecil the Lion
MP Nelson, JT Bruskotter, JA Vucetich, G Chapron
Conservation Letters 9 (4), 302-306, 2016
Predators and the public trust
A Treves, G Chapron, JV López‐Bao, C Shoemaker, AR Goeckner, ...
Biological Reviews 92 (1), 248-270, 2017
Building tolerance for bears: a communications experiment
K Slagle, R Zajac, J Bruskotter, R Wilson, S Prange
The journal of wildlife management 77 (4), 863-869, 2013
Learning to live with black bears: A psychological model of acceptance
RM Zajac, JT Bruskotter, RS Wilson, S Prange
The journal of wildlife management 76 (7), 1331-1340, 2012
Are attitudes toward wolves changing? A case study in Utah
JT Bruskotter, RH Schmidt, TL Teel
Biological conservation 139 (1-2), 211-218, 2007
How anthropomorphism is changing the social context of modern wildlife conservation
MJ Manfredo, EG Urquiza-Haas, AWD Carlos, JT Bruskotter, AM Dietsch
Biological Conservation 241, 108297, 2020
A conceptual framework for understanding illegal killing of large carnivores
NH Carter, JV López-Bao, JT Bruskotter, M Gore, G Chapron, A Johnson, ...
Ambio 46, 251-264, 2017
The Role of Affect in Public Support and Opposition to Wolf Management
KM Slagle, JT Bruskotter, RS Wilson
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 17 (1), 44-57, 2012
Assessing sustainability knowledge of a student population: Developing a tool to measure knowledge in the environmental, economic and social domains
A Zwickle, T M. Koontz, K M. Slagle, J T. Bruskotter
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 15 (4), 375-389, 2014
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Articles 1–20