Gábor Markó
Gábor Markó
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences & BehavEcol Group, Eötvös Loránd University
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The geography of fear: a latitudinal gradient in anti-predator escape distances of birds across Europe
M Díaz, AP Møller, E Flensted-Jensen, T Grim, JD Ibáñez-Álamo, ...
PloS one 8 (5), e64634, 2013
High urban population density of birds reflects their timing of urbanization
AP Møller, M Diaz, E Flensted-Jensen, T Grim, JD Ibáñez-Álamo, ...
Oecologia, 1-9, 2012
A meta-analysis of correlated behaviours with implications for behavioural syndromes: mean effect size, publication bias, phylogenetic effects and the role of mediator variables
LZ Garamszegi, G Markó, G Herczeg
Evolutionary Ecology 26 (5), 1213-1235, 2012
Rural-Urban Differences in Escape Behavior of European Birds across a Latitudinal Gradient
DSM Samia, DT Blumstein, M Díaz, T Grim, JD Ibáñez-Álamo, J Jokimäki, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5, 66, 2017
A meta-analysis of correlated behaviors with implications for behavioral syndromes: relationships between particular behavioral traits
LZ Garamszegi, G Markó, G Herczeg
Behavioral Ecology 24 (5), 1068-1080, 2013
Urbanized birds have superior establishment success in novel environments
AP Møller, M Díaz, E Flensted-Jensen, T Grim, JD Ibáñez-Álamo, ...
Oecologia 178 (3), 943-950, 2015
Contagious fear: Escape behavior increases with flock size in European gregarious birds
F Morelli, Y Benedetti, M Díaz, T Grim, JD Ibáñez‐Álamo, J Jokimäki, ...
Ecology and evolution 9 (10), 6096-6104, 2019
Change in flight initiation distance between urban and rural habitats following a cold winter
AP Møller, T Grim, JD Ibáñez-Álamo, G Markó, P Tryjanowski
Behavioral Ecology 24 (5), 1211-1217, 2013
Effects of urbanization on bird phenology: a continental study of paired urban and rural populations
AP Møller, M Díaz, T Grim, A Dvorská, E Flensted-Jensen, ...
Climate Research 66 (3), 185-199, 2015
Among-year variation in the repeatability, within-and between-individual, and phenotypic correlations of behaviors in a natural population
LZ Garamszegi, G Markó, E Szász, S Zsebők, M Azcárate, G Herczeg, ...
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 69 (12), 2005, 2015
Corticosterone, Avoidance of Novelty, Risk‐Taking and Aggression in a Wild Bird: No Evidence for Pleiotropic Effects
LZ Garamszegi, B Rosivall, S Rettenbacher, G Markó, S Zsebők, ...
Ethology, 2012
Oxidative damage and plasma antioxidant capacity in relation to body size, age, male sexual traits and female reproductive performance in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula …
G Markó, D Costantini, G Michl, J Török
Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and …, 2011
Effects of urbanization on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic avian diversity in Europe
F Morelli, Y Benedetti, JD Ibáñez-Álamo, P Tryjanowski, J Jokimäki, ...
Science of The Total Environment 795, 148874, 2021
The relationship between DRD4 polymorphisms and phenotypic correlations of behaviors in the collared flycatcher
LZ Garamszegi, JC Mueller, G Markó, E Szász, S Zsebők, G Herczeg, ...
Ecology and Evolution 4 (8), 1466-1479, 2014
Beyond polyphagy and opportunism: natural prey of hunting spiders in the canopy of apple trees
L Mezőfi, G Markó, C Nagy, D Korányi, V Markó
PeerJ 8, e9334, 2020
Top ten birds indicators of high environmental quality in European cities
F Morelli, J Reif, M Díaz, P Tryjanowski, JD Ibáñez-Álamo, J Suhonen, ...
Ecological Indicators 133, 108397, 2021
Interactive effects of fearfulness and geographical location on bird population trends
M Díaz, JJ Cuervo, T Grim, E Flensted-Jensen, JD Ibáñez-Álamo, ...
Behavioral Ecology 26 (3), 716-721, 2015
Flight initiation distance and refuge in urban birds
F Morelli, P Mikula, DT Blumstein, M Díaz, G Markó, J Jokimäki, ...
Science of the Total Environment 842, 156939, 2022
Antipredator function of vigilance re-examined: vigilant birds delay escape
K Tätte, JD Ibáñez-Álamo, G Markó, R Mänd, AP Møller
Animal Behaviour 156, 97-110, 2019
Short-and long-term repeatability and pseudo-repeatability of bird song: sensitivity of signals to varying environments
S Zsebők, G Herczeg, G Blázi, M Laczi, G Nagy, E Szász, G Markó, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71 (10), 1-13, 2017
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