Roger Parks
Roger Parks
Professor Emeritus of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University
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Cited by
Consumers as coproducers of public services: Some economic and institutional considerations
RB Parks, PC Baker, L Kiser, R Oakerson, E Ostrom, V Ostrom, SL Percy, ...
Policy studies journal 9 (7), 1001-1011, 1981
Experience, quality of life, and neighborhood context: A hierarchical analysis of satisfaction with police
MD Reisig, RB Parks
Justice quarterly 17 (3), 607-630, 2000
Linking objective and subjective measures of performance
RB Parks
Public administration review 44 (2), 118-127, 1984
Patterns of metropolitan policing
E Ostrom, RB Parks, GP Whitaker
Ballinger, 1978
Examining police effectiveness as a precursor to legitimacy and cooperation with police
TR Kochel, R Parks, SD Mastrofski
Justice quarterly 30 (5), 895-925, 2013
Metropolitan organization and governance: A local public economy approach
RB Parks, RJ Oakerson
Urban affairs quarterly 25 (1), 18-29, 1989
To acquiesce or rebel: Predicting citizen compliance with police requests
JD McCluskey, SD Mastrofski, RB Parks
Police Quarterly 2 (4), 389-416, 1999
The public service production process: A framework for analyzing police services.
E Ostrom, RB Parks, GP Whitaker, SL Percy
Policy Studies Journal 7, 1978
Systematic observation of public police: Applying field research methods to policy issues
SD Mastrofski
US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of …, 1998
Can community policing help the truly disadvantaged?
MD Reisig, RB Parks
Crime & Delinquency 50 (2), 139-167, 2004
Community organization and the provision of police services
E Ostrom, WH Baugh, R Guarasci, RB Parks, GP Whitaker
Sage Publ., 1973
Do we really want to consolidate urban police forces? A reappraisal of some old assertions
E Ostrom, RB Parks, GP Whitaker
Public Administration Review, 423-432, 1973
The helping hand of the law: Police control of citizens on request
SD Mastrofski, JB Snipes, RB Parks, CD Maxwell
Criminology 38 (2), 307-342, 2000
How officers spend their time with the community
RB Parks, SD Mastrofski, C DeJong, MK Gray
Justice quarterly 16 (3), 483-518, 1999
Suburban police departments: Too many and too small?
E Ostrom, RB Parks
Department of Political Science, Indiana University, 1973
Citizen voice and public entrepreneurship: The organizational dynamic of a complex metropolitan county
RJ Oakerson, RB Parks
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 18 (4), 91-112, 1988
Improving observational studies of police
S Mastrofski, RB Parks
Criminology 28 (3), 475-496, 1990
Regionalism, localism, and metropolitan governance: Suggestions from the research program on local public economies
RB Parks, RJ Oakerson
State and local government review 32 (3), 169-179, 2000
The high/scope perry preschool project
G Parks
US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile …, 2000
The study of local public economies: Multi‐organizational, multi‐level institutional analysis and development
RJ Oakerson, RB Parks
Policy studies journal 39 (1), 147-167, 2011
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Articles 1–20