Andrew J. Higgins
Andrew J. Higgins
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University
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Numerical investigation of the instability for one-dimensional Chapman–Jouguet detonations with chain-branching kinetics
HD Ng, MI Radulescu, AJ Higgins, N Nikiforakis, JHS Lee
Combustion Theory and Modelling 9 (3), 385-401, 2005
Metal-water combustion for clean propulsion and power generation
JM Bergthorson, Y Yavor, J Palecka, W Georges, M Soo, J Vickery, ...
Applied Energy 186, 13-27, 2017
Emission spectroscopy of flame fronts in aluminum suspensions
S Goroshin, J Mamen, A Higgins, T Bazyn, N Glumac, H Krier
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (2), 2011-2019, 2007
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos analysis of one-dimensional pulsating detonations
H Ng, A Higgins, C Kiyanda, M Radulescu, J Lee, K Bates, N Nikiforakis
Combustion Theory and Modelling 9 (1), 159-170, 2005
The ignition mechanism in irregular structure gaseous detonations
MI Radulescu, GJ Sharpe, JHS Lee, CB Kiyanda, AJ Higgins, RK Hanson
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2), 1859-1867, 2005
Flame propagation and quenching in iron dust clouds
FD Tang, S Goroshin, A Higgins, J Lee
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2), 1905-1912, 2009
Modes of particle combustion in iron dust flames
FD Tang, S Goroshin, AJ Higgins
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (2), 1975-1982, 2011
Comments on criteria for direct initiation of detonation
JHS Lee, AJ Higgins
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1999
A comparison of the ballistic performance of shear thickening fluids based on particle strength and volume fraction
OE Petel, S Ouellet, J Loiseau, DL Frost, AJ Higgins
International Journal of Impact Engineering 85, 83-96, 2015
Powdered metals as fuel for hypersonic ramjets
S Goroshin, A Higgins, M Kamel
37th joint propulsion conference and exhibit, 3919, 2001
Formation of transverse waves in oblique detonations
J Verreault, AJ Higgins, RA Stowe
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2), 1913-1920, 2013
Combustion of particles, agglomerates, and suspensions–a basic thermophysical analysis
M Soo, X Mi, S Goroshin, AJ Higgins, JM Bergthorson
Combustion and Flame 192, 384-400, 2018
Aluminum particle combustion in high-speed detonation products
V Tanguay, S Goroshin, AJ Higgins, F Zhang
Combustion Science and Technology 181 (4), 670-693, 2009
The effect of particle strength on the ballistic resistance of shear thickening fluids
OE Petel, S Ouellet, J Loiseau, BJ Marr, DL Frost, AJ Higgins
Applied Physics Letters 102 (6), 2013
Initiation of detonation by conical projectiles
J Verreault, AJ Higgins
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (2), 2311-2318, 2011
Effect of discreteness on heterogeneous flames: propagation limits in regular and random particle arrays
FD Tang, AJ Higgins, S Goroshin
Combustion Theory and Modelling 13 (2), 319-341, 2009
Ram accelerators: outstanding issues and new directions
AJ Higgins
Journal of propulsion and power 22 (6), 1170-1187, 2006
Steady one-dimensional detonations
A Higgins
Shock Waves Science and Technology Library, Vol. 6: Detonation Dynamics, 33-105, 2011
A new kind of flame: Observation of the discrete flame propagation regime in iron particle suspensions in microgravity
J Palečka, J Sniatowsky, S Goroshin, AJ Higgins, JM Bergthorson
Combustion and Flame 209, 180-186, 2019
Propagation of gaseous detonation waves in a spatially inhomogeneous reactive medium
XC Mi, AJ Higgins, HD Ng, CB Kiyanda, N Nikiforakis
Physical Review Fluids 2 (5), 053201, 2017
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Articles 1–20