Fabrício Ramon Lopes
Fabrício Ramon Lopes
Perito Criminal da Polícia Científica do Estado de São Paulo
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Transcriptional activity, chromosomal distribution and expression effects of transposable elements in Coffea genomes
FR Lopes, D Jjingo, CRM Da Silva, AC Andrade, P Marraccini, ...
PLoS One 8 (11), e78931, 2013
Transposable elements in Coffea (Gentianales: Rubiacea) transcripts and their role in the origin of protein diversity in flowering plants
FR Lopes, MF Carazzolle, GAG Pereira, CA Colombo, CMA Carareto
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 279 (4), 385-401, 2008
The evolutionary dynamics of the Helena retrotransposon revealed by sequenced Drosophila genomes
A Granzotto, FR Lopes, E Lerat, C Vieira, CMA Carareto
BMC evolutionary biology 9 (1), 174, 2009
The protist Trichomonas vaginalis harbors multiple lineages of transcriptionally active Mutator-like elements
FR Lopes, JC Silva, M Benchimol, GGL Costa, GAG Pereira, ...
BMC genomics 10 (1), 330, 2009
Vertical inheritance and bursts of transposition have shaped the evolution of the BS non-LTR retrotransposon in Drosophila
A Granzotto, FR Lopes, C Vieira, CMA Carareto
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 286 (1), 57-66, 2011
FISH using a gag-like fragment probe reveals a common Ty3-gypsy-like retrotransposon in genome of Coffea species
PM Yuyama, LFP Pereira, TB dos Santos, T Sera, LA Vilas-Boas, ...
Genome 55 (12), 825-833, 2012
Transposon display supports transpositional activity of P elements in species of the saltans group of Drosophila
N De Setta, APP Costa, FR Lopes, MA Van Sluys, CMA Carareto
Journal of genetics 86 (1), 37, 2007
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