Hector Mongi
Cited by
Cited by
Vulnerability and adaptation of rain fed agriculture to climate change and variability in semi-arid Tanzania
H Mongi, AE Majule, JG Lyimo
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 4 (6), 2010
Wireless sensor networks for water quality monitoring and control within lake victoria basin: Prototype development
A Faustine, AN Mvuma, HJ Mongi, MC Gabriel, AJ Tenge, SB Kucel
Wireless Sensor Network 6 (12), 281, 2014
Critical success factors for m‐Government adoption in Tanzania: A conceptual framework
F Ishengoma, L Mselle, H Mongi
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 85 (1 …, 2019
Sustenance of the digital transformations induced by the COVID-19 pandemic response: Lessons from Tanzanian public sector
D Shao, H Mwangakala, F Ishengoma, H Mongi, C Mambile, F Chali
Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication 72 (6/7), 700-713, 2023
Accessibility and utilization of mobile phones for governance of water resources in the Lake Victoria Basin: Constraints and opportunities in Tanzania
HJ Mongi, AN Mvuma, S Kucel, AJ Tenge, M Gabriel
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 9 (5), 438-450, 2015
Addressing land degradation in Tanzania: Contemporary issues related to policies and strategies
HJ Mongi
Available at SSRN 2150752, 2012
An empirical study of critical success factors for the adoption of m-government services in Tanzania
F Ishengoma, L Mselle, H Mongi
Smart Trends in Computing and Communications: Proceedings of SmartCom 2021 …, 2022
Integrated ICTs for water basins management in Southern Africa: systematic review and meta-analyses for perceived relevance criteria
H Mongi, M Meinhardt
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics 8 (2), 103-110, 2016
Community Perception on Lake Victoria Basin Resources Degradation: Implications to Sustainable Management
AJM Tenge, AN Mvuma, SB Baker, HJ Mongi, J Mwakijele, MC Gabriel
Journal of Sustainable Development 8 (2), 14, 2015
Power distance and users Behavior towards the adoption of m-Government services in Tanzania: a web analytics study
I Fredrick, M Leonard, M Hector
International Journal of Open Information Technologies 7 (9), 66-72, 2019
Agricultural water institutions in East Africa
A Beyene
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2015
Emerging digital technologies potential in promoting equitable agricultural supply chain: A scoping review
HA Mwangakala, H Mongi, F Ishengoma, D Shao, F Chali, C Mambile, ...
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 208, 123630, 2024
Leveraging Intelligent Decision Support System to Promote Inclusive Remote Teaching and Learning in Institutions of Higher Education in East Africa: Prototype Development
K Muchungi, V Mukami, H Mongi, F Fabian, E Ombui, M Kiguru, P Tandika, ...
Available at SSRN 4350356, 2023
Harnessing Emerging Digital Technologies to Promote Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive Supply Chains: A Scoping Review
H Mwangakala, H Mongi, F Ishengoma, D Shao, F Chali, MC Mambile, ...
Leveraging blockchain technology to revitalize the agricultural supply chain in East Africa: lessons from Tanzania and Uganda
HA Mwangakala, H Mongi, D Shao, F Ishengoma, F Chali
Relevance of Information and Communication Technologies to public engagement for sustainable water resources in the Lake Victoria Basin
HJ Mongi
The University of Dodoma, 2016
Pathways to Equitable Contract Farming System through Blockchain Technology
HA Mwangakala, F Chali, C Mambile, F Ishengoma, R Alphonce, H Mongi, ...
AfricaGrowth Agenda 21 (3), 24-27, 2024
The state of teaching and learning during the outbreak of COVID-19 in East African Universities
E Ombui, P Tandika, F Fabian, H Mongi, F Moshi, K Muchungi, V Mukami, ...
AfricArXiv, 2024
Assessing information literacy training of postgraduate students from input-process-output perspectives: A case of the University of Dodoma
GEP Msoffe, HJ Mongi, OS Buhomoli
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 09610006231200896, 2023
Harnessing Digitalisation to Promote Equitable and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems: Policy and Investment Priorities for the G20
H Baumüller, BK Addom, D Buchori, S Heinke, H Mongi, M Munene, ...
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2023
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Articles 1–20