Ulf Bergström
Ulf Bergström
Department of Aquatic Resources, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
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Ecological value of coastal habitats for commercially and ecologically important species
RD Seitz, H Wennhage, U Bergström, RN Lipcius, T Ysebaert
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (3), 648-665, 2014
Recruitment failure of coastal predatory fish in the Baltic Sea coincident with an offshore ecosystem regime shift
L Ljunggren, A Sandström, U Bergström, J Mattila, A Lappalainen, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 67 (8), 1587-1595, 2010
Effects of an offshore wind farm on temporal and spatial patterns in the demersal fish community
L Bergström, F Sundqvist, U Bergström
Marine Ecology Progress Series 485, 199-210, 2013
Effects of altered offshore food webs on coastal ecosystems emphasize the need for cross-ecosystem management
BK Eriksson, K Sieben, J Eklöf, L Ljunggren, J Olsson, M Casini, ...
Ambio 40, 786-797, 2011
Top‐down control as important as nutrient enrichment for eutrophication effects in North Atlantic coastal ecosystems
Ö Östman, J Eklöf, BK Eriksson, J Olsson, PO Moksnes, U Bergström
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (4), 1138-1147, 2016
Nursery habitat availability limits adult stock sizes of predatory coastal fish
G Sundblad, U Bergström, A Sandström, P Eklöv
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (3), 672-680, 2014
Competition for the fish–fish extraction from the Baltic Sea by humans, aquatic mammals, and birds
S Hansson, U Bergström, E Bonsdorff, T Härkönen, N Jepsen, L Kautsky, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (3), 999-1008, 2018
Stickleback increase in the Baltic Sea–a thorny issue for coastal predatory fish
U Bergström, J Olsson, M Casini, BK Eriksson, R Fredriksson, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 163, 134-142, 2015
Shoreline development and degradation of coastal fish reproduction habitats
G Sundblad, U Bergström
Ambio 43 (8), 1020-1028, 2014
Towards benthic marine landscapes in the Baltic Sea
Z Al-Hamdani, J Reker, U Alanen, JH Andersen, J Bendtsen, U Bergström, ...
Ecological coherence of marine protected area networks: a spatial assessment using species distribution models
G Sundblad, U Bergström, A Sandström
Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (1), 112-120, 2011
A cross-scale trophic cascade from large predatory fish to algae in coastal ecosystems
S Donadi, ÅN Austin, U Bergström, BK Eriksson, JP Hansen, P Jacobson, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1859), 20170045, 2017
DNA metabarcoding reveals diverse diet of the three-spined stickleback in a coastal ecosystem
E Jakubavičiūtė, U Bergström, JS Eklöf, Q Haenel, SJ Bourlat
PLoS One 12 (10), e0186929, 2017
Habitat selectivity of substrate-spawning fish: modelling requirements for the Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis
M Snickars, G Sundblad, A Sandström, L Ljunggren, U Bergström, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 398, 235-243, 2010
A spatial regime shift from predator to prey dominance in a large coastal ecosystem
JS Eklöf, G Sundblad, M Erlandsson, S Donadi, JP Hansen, BK Eriksson, ...
Communications biology 3 (1), 459, 2020
Declining coastal piscivore populations in the Baltic Sea: Where and when do sticklebacks matter?
P Byström, U Bergström, A Hjälten, S Ståhl, D Jonsson, J Olsson
Ambio 44, 462-471, 2015
Essential coastal habitats for fish in the Baltic Sea
P Kraufvelin, Z Pekcan-Hekim, U Bergström, AB Florin, A Lehikoinen, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 204, 14-30, 2018
A meso-predator release of stickleback promotes recruitment of macroalgae in the Baltic Sea
K Sieben, L Ljunggren, U Bergström, BK Eriksson
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 397 (2), 79-84, 2011
Estimating competition between wildlife and humans–a case of cormorants and coastal fisheries in the Baltic Sea
Ö Östman, MK Boström, U Bergström, J Andersson, SG Lunneryd
PLoS One 8 (12), e83763, 2013
Cumulative impact assessment for ecosystem-based marine spatial planning
L Hammar, S Molander, J Pålsson, JS Crona, G Carneiro, T Johansson, ...
Science of the Total Environment 734, 139024, 2020
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