Bertil Westerlund
Bertil Westerlund
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Higher levels of multiple ecosystem services are found in forests with more tree species
L Gamfeldt, T Snäll, R Bagchi, M Jonsson, L Gustafsson, P Kjellander, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1-8, 2013
Plant functional traits have globally consistent effects on competition
G Kunstler, D Falster, DA Coomes, F Hui, RM Kooyman, DC Laughlin, ...
Nature 529 (7585), 204-207, 2016
Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses
BS Steidinger, TW Crowther, J Liang, ME Van Nuland, GDA Werner, ...
Nature 569 (7756), 404-408, 2019
The number of tree species on Earth
R Cazzolla Gatti, PB Reich, JGP Gamarra, T Crowther, C Hui, A Morera, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (6), e2115329119, 2022
National forest inventories
C Vidal, I Alberdi, L Hernández, JJ Redmond
Springer Science+ Business Media. doi 10, 978-3, 2016
Dead wood availability in managed Swedish forests–Policy outcomes and implications for biodiversity
BG Jonsson, M Ekström, PA Esseen, A Grafström, G Ståhl, B Westerlund
Forest Ecology and Management 376, 174-182, 2016
Harmonisation of stem volume estimates in European National Forest Inventories
T Gschwantner, I Alberdi, A Balázs, S Bauwens, S Bender, D Borota, ...
Annals of forest science 76, 1-23, 2019
Co-limitation towards lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients
J Liang, JGP Gamarra, N Picard, M Zhou, B Pijanowski, DF Jacobs, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 6 (10), 1423-1437, 2022
Broad-scale distribution of epiphytic hair lichens correlates more with climate and nitrogen deposition than with forest structure
PA Esseen, M Ekström, B Westerlund, K Palmqvist, BG Jonsson, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46 (11), 1348-1358, 2016
Logistic regression for clustered data from environmental monitoring programs
M Ekström, PA Esseen, B Westerlund, A Grafström, BG Jonsson, G Ståhl
Ecological Informatics 43, 165-173, 2018
Multiple drivers of large‐scale lichen decline in boreal forest canopies
PA Esseen, M Ekström, A Grafström, BG Jonsson, K Palmqvist, ...
Global change biology 28 (10), 3293-3309, 2022
Rapid Changes in Ground Vegetation of Mature Boreal Forests—An Analysis of Swedish National Forest Inventory Data
BG Jonsson, J Dahlgren, M Ekström, PA Esseen, A Grafström, G Ståhl, ...
Forests 12 (4), 475, 2021
Global patterns and environmental drivers of forest functional composition
E Bouchard, EB Searle, P Drapeau, J Liang, JGP Gamarra, M Abegg, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 33 (2), 303-324, 2024
Skog och mark i Sverige. Fakta från Riksskogstaxeringen.
S Lindroth
Kommentus förlag. Stockholm, SE, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet,, 1992
Volymtillväxten för träd i Sverige under 00-talet: ett faktaunderlag med anledning av den minskande nettotillväxten
J Fridman, B Westerlund, A Appiah Mensah
Arbetsrapport/Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skoglig …, 2022
Forestry statistics 2001.-Official Statistics of Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Umea, Sweden, 103 pp
J Fridman, G Kempe, P Nilsson, H Toet, B Westerlund
Swedish with an English summary, 2001
The global biogeography of tree leaf form and habit
H Ma, TW Crowther, L Mo, DS Maynard, SS Renner, J Van den Hoogen, ...
Nature plants 9 (11), 1795-1809, 2023
Current state of mixed forests available for wood supply in Finland and Sweden
D Lee, E Holmström, J Hynynen, U Nilsson, KT Korhonen, B Westerlund, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 38 (7-8), 442-452, 2023
Konstruktion, test och underhåll av simuleringsfunktioner i Riksskogstaxeringen
H Åkesson, B Westerlund
Arbetsrapport/Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skoglig …, 2014
Improved large-area forest increment information in Europe through harmonisation of National Forest Inventories
T Gschwantner, T Riedel, L Henning, P Adame, R Adolt, A Aguirre, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 562, 121913, 2024
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