Ioana Onut Brännström
Ioana Onut Brännström
Other namesIoana Brännström
Oslo University, Natural History Museum, Oslo, Norway
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Cited by
Genomics and the challenging translation into conservation practice
ABA Shafer, JBW Wolf, PC Alves, L Bergström, MW Bruford, I Brännström, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 30 (2), 78-87, 2015
Artificial selection on relative brain size in the guppy reveals costs and benefits of evolving a larger brain
A Kotrschal, B Rogell, A Bundsen, B Svensson, S Zajitschek, I Brännström, ...
Current Biology 23 (2), 168-171, 2013
The benefit of evolving a larger brain: big-brained guppies perform better in a cognitive task
A Kotrschal, B Rogell, A Bundsen, B Svensson, S Zajitschek, I Brännström, ...
Animal Behaviour 86 (4), e4, 2013
A worldwide phylogeography of the whiteworm lichens Thamnolia reveals three lineages with distinct habitats and evolutionary histories
I Onuţ‐Brännström, L Tibell, H Johannesson
Ecology and Evolution 7 (10), 3602-3615, 2017
Sharing of photobionts in sympatric populations of Thamnolia and Cetraria lichens: evidence from high-throughput sequencing
I Onuț-Brännström, M Benjamin, DG Scofield, S Heiðmarsson, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 4406, 2018
Thamnolia tundrae sp. nov., a cryptic species and putative glacial relict
OB Ioana, H Johannesson, L Tibell
The Lichenologist 50 (1), 59-75, 2018
The mating brain: early maturing sneaker males maintain investment into the brain also under fast body growth in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
A Kotrschal, S Trombley, B Rogell, I Brannström, E Foconi, M Schmitz, ...
Evolutionary ecology 28, 1043-1055, 2014
A Mitosome With Distinct Metabolism in the Uncultured Protist Parasite Paramikrocytos canceri (Rhizaria, Ascetosporea)
I Onuț-Brännström, CW Stairs, KIA Campos, MH Thorén, TJG Ettema, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 15 (3), evad022, 2023
A novel kleptoplastidic symbiosis revealed in the marine centrohelid Meringosphaera with evidence of genetic integration
MES Sørensen, VV Zlatogursky, I Onuţ-Brännström, A Walraven, ...
Current Biology 33 (17), 3571-3584. e6, 2023
The puzzle of lichen symbiosis: Pieces from Thamnolia
I Onuț-Brännström
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2017
Comparative genomics of Ascetosporea gives new insight into the evolutionary basis for animal parasitism in Rhizaria
M Hiltunen Thorén, I Onuț-Brännström, A Alfjorden, H Pecková, F Swords, ...
BMC biology 22 (1), 103, 2024
Identification of a new gregarine parasite [Apicomplexa, Alveolata] in mass mortality events of freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera)
A Alfjorden, IO Brännström, N Wengström, M Jamy, A Kristmundson, ...
Constraints to sex by a single mating type? Genomic and population analyses reveal insight into the reproductive biology of Thamnolia
I Onut-Brännström, SL Ament-Velásquez, M Hiltunen, P Resl, ...
61 Evolutionary theory as a tool for predicting extinction risk
K Donohue, LT Burghardt, D Runcie, KJ Bradford, J Schmitt, ABA Shafer, ...
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Articles 1–14