Paul M. Di Gangi
Cited by
Cited by
Steal my idea! Organizational adoption of user innovations from a user innovation community: A case study of Dell IdeaStorm
PM Di Gangi, M Wasko
Decision Support Systems 48 (1), 303-312, 2009
Getting customer's ideas to work for you: Learning from Dell how to succeed with online user innovation communities
PM Di Gangi, MM Wasko, RE Hooker
MIS Quarterly Executive 9 (4), 2010
Social media engagement theory: Exploring the influence of user engagement on social media usage
PM Di Gangi, MM Wasko
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 28 (2), 53-73, 2016
Online Health Communities: An Assessment of the Influence of Participation on Patient Empowerment Outcomes
A Johnston, JL Worrell, PM Di Gangi, M Wasko
Information Technology & People 26 (2), 5-5, 2013
Exploring the use of the Delphi method in accounting information systems research
JL Worrell, PM Di Gangi, AA Bush
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 2013
Open Innovation through Online Communities
PM Di Gangi, M Wasko
Annals of Information Systems: Knowledge Management & Organizational …, 2009
The co-creation of value: Exploring user engagement in user-generated content websites
PM Di Gangi, M Wasko
Proceedings of JAIS theory development workshop. sprouts: working papers on …, 2009
Balancing on a tightrope: Managing the boundaries of a firm-sponsored OSS community and its impact on innovation and absorptive capacity
R Teigland, PM Di Gangi, BT Flċten, E Giovacchini, N Pastorino
Information and Organization 24 (1), 25-47, 2014
It Takes a Village: Understanding the Collective Security Efficacy of Employee Groups
A Johnston, PM Di Gangi, J Howard, J Worrell
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 20 (3), 186-212, 2019
Would you share?: Examining knowledge type and communication channel for knowledge sharing within and across the organizational boundary
PM Di Gangi, MM Wasko, X Tang
International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) 8 (1), 1-21, 2012
Applying team-based learning in online introductory information systems courses
SH Goh, PM Di Gangi, K Gunnells
Journal of Information Systems Education 31 (1), 1-11, 2020
What could possibly go wrong? A multi-panel Delphi study of organizational social media risk
PM Di Gangi, AC Johnston, JL Worrell, SC Thompson
Information Systems Frontiers 20 (5), 1097-1116, 2018
Sharing my way to success: A case study on developing entrepreneurial ventures using social capital in an OSS community
ZY Larsson, PM Di Gangi, R Teigland
Information and Organization 29 (1), 23-40, 2019
The co-creation of value: Exploring engagement behaviors in user-generated content websites
PM Di Gangi
The Florida State University, 2010
Providing theoretical foundations: developing an integrated set of guidelines for theory adaptation
RE Crossler, PM Di Gangi, AC Johnston, F Bélanger, M Warkentin
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 43 (1), 31, 2018
Using social media to support presentation skill development in traditional classroom environments
PM Di Gangi, SH Goh, CC Lewis
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 29 (3), 68-91, 2017
Graduate student perceptions of personal social media risk: A comparison study
SH Goh, PM Di Gangi, JC Rivera, JL Worrell
Issues in Information Systems 17 (IV), 109-119, 2016
Do you see what I see? A social capital perspective on microtask gig worker opportunity recognition within electronic networks of practice
PM Di Gangi, JL Howard, SH Goh, JB Thatcher
International Journal of Information Management 69 (April), 102615, 2023
Can you see opportunity knocking? An examination of technology-based political skill on opportunity recognition in online communities for MTurk workers
PM Di Gangi, CP McAllister, JL Howard, JB Thatcher, GR Ferris
Internet Research 32 (4), 1041-1075, 2022
Undergraduate student perceptions of personal social media risk
JC Rivera, PM Di Gangi, JL Worrell, SC Thompson, AC Johnston
Information Security Education Journal 2 (2), 49-56, 2015
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Articles 1–20