Mats Jonson
Mats Jonson
Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Gothenburg
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Viscoelastic acoustic response of layered polymer films at fluid-solid interfaces: continuum mechanics approach
MV Voinova, M Rodahl, M Jonson, B Kasemo
Physica Scripta 59 (5), 391, 1999
Mott's formula for the thermopower and the Wiedemann-Franz law
M Jonson, GD Mahan
Physical Review B 21 (10), 4223, 1980
Descriptions of exchange and correlation effects in inhomogeneous electron systems
O Gunnarsson, M Jonson, BI Lundqvist
Physical Review B 20 (8), 3136, 1979
‘Missing mass’ effect in biosensor's QCM applications
MV Voinova, M Jonson, B Kasemo
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 17 (10), 835-841, 2002
Shuttle mechanism for charge transfer in coulomb blockade nanostructures
LY Gorelik, A Isacsson, MV Voinova, B Kasemo, RI Shekhter, M Jonson
Physical review letters 80 (20), 4526, 1998
Quantum fluctuations and the single-junction Coulomb blockade
SM Girvin, LI Glazman, M Jonson, DR Penn, MD Stiles
Physical review letters 64 (26), 3183, 1990
Electron correlations in inversion layers
M Jonson
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 9 (16), 3055, 1976
Quantum spin fluctuations as a source of long-range proximity effects in diffusive ferromagnet-super conductor structures
A Kadigrobov, RI Shekhter, M Jonson
Europhysics Letters 54 (3), 394, 2001
Effect of inelastic scattering on resonant and sequential tunneling in double barrier heterostructures
M Jonson, A Grincwajg
Applied physics letters 51 (21), 1729-1731, 1987
Thermoelectric effect in a weakly disordered inversion layer subject to a quantizing magnetic field
M Jonson, SM Girvin
Physical Review B 29 (4), 1939, 1984
Exchange and correlation in inhomogeneous electron systems
O Gunnarsson, M Jonson, BI Lundqvist
Solid State Communications 24 (11), 765-768, 1977
Parity-induced suppression of the Coulomb blockade of Josephson tunneling
KA Matveev, M Gisselfält, LI Glazman, M Jonson, RI Shekhter
Physical review letters 70 (19), 2940, 1993
Quantum-mechanical resonant tunneling in the presence of a boson field
M Jonson
Physical Review B 39 (9), 5924, 1989
Entanglement of distant optomechanical systems
C Joshi, J Larson, M Jonson, E Andersson, P Öhberg
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (3), 033805, 2012
Electronic superlattices in corrugated graphene
A Isacsson, LM Jonsson, JM Kinaret, M Jonson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (3), 035423, 2008
Giant lasing effect in magnetic nanoconductors
A Kadigrobov, Z Ivanov, T Claeson, RI Shekhter, M Jonson
Europhysics Letters 67 (6), 948, 2004
Quantum shuttle phenomena in a nanoelectromechanical single-electron transistor
D Fedorets, LY Gorelik, RI Shekhter, M Jonson
Physical review letters 92 (16), 166801, 2004
Dynamical electron-phonon interaction and conductivity in strongly disordered metal alloys
SM Girvin, M Jonson
Physical Review B 22 (8), 3583, 1980
Electron-phonon dynamics and transport anomalies in random metal alloys
M Jonson, SM Girvin
Physical Review Letters 43 (19), 1447, 1979
Electron-phonon contribution to the thermopower of metals
M Jonson, GD Mahan
Physical Review B 42 (15), 9350, 1990
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