Etienne Danchin
Etienne Danchin
Emeritus CNRS Research Director at EDB (CNRS-UT3) UMR5174, Toulouse
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Public Information: From Nosy Neighbors to Cultural Evolution
E Danchin, LA Giraldeau, TJ Valone, RH Wagner
Science 305, 487-491, 2004
J Clobert, E Danchin, AA Dhondt, JD Nichols
Beyond DNA: integrating inclusive inheritance into an extended theory of evolution
É Danchin, A Charmantier, FA Champagne, A Mesoudi, B Pujol, ...
Nature reviews genetics 12 (7), 475-486, 2011
Conspecific reproductive success and breeding habitat selection: implications for the study of coloniality
E Danchin, T Boulinier, M Massot
Ecology 79 (7), 2415-2428, 1998
Public information and breeding habitat selection in a wild bird population
B Doligez, E Danchin, J Clobert
Science 297 (5584), 1168-1170, 2002
The evolution of coloniality: the emergence of new perspectives
E Danchin, RH Wagner
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 12 (9), 342-347, 1997
Individual covariation in life-history traits: seeing the trees despite the forest
E Cam, WA Link, EG Cooch, JY Monnat, E Danchin
The American Naturalist 159 (1), 96-105, 2002
Condition-dependent dispersal
RA Ims
Dispersal. O.U.P. (Clobert, J. Danchin, É. Dhondt, A. A. Nichols, J. D. Eds), 2001
When to use public information for breeding habitat selection? The role of environmental predictability and density dependence
B Doligez, CD Cadet, T Danchin, E: Boulinier
Anim. Behav 66, 973-988, 2003
The use of conspecific reproductive success for breeding patch selection in territorial migratory species
T Boulinier, E Danchin
Evolutionary Ecology 11, 505-517, 1997
Habitat selection by dispersers: integrating proximate and ultimate approaches
J Stamps
Dispersal O.U.P. (Clobert, J., Danchin, É., Dhondt, AA, Nichols, JD eds), 2001
The landscape context of dispersal
JA Wiens
Dispersal. O.U.P. (Clobert, J. Danchin, É. Dhondt, A. A. Nichols, J. D. Eds), 2001
Informed dispersal: prospecting by birds for breeding sites
JM Reed, T Boulinier, E Danchin, LW Oring
Current ornithology, 189-259, 1999
Dispersal, intraspecific competition, kin competition and kin facilitation: a review of the empirical evidence
X Lambin
Dispersal. O.U.P. (Clobert, J. Danchin, É. Dhondt, A. A. Nichols, J. D. Eds), 2001
Behavioural ecology
É Danchin, LA Giraldeau, F Cézilly
Oxford University Press, 2008
Public versus personal information for mate copying in an invertebrate
F Mery, SAM Varela, É Danchin, S Blanchet, D Parejo, I Coolen, ...
Current Biology 19 (9), 730-734, 2009
Inbreeding, kinship, and the evolution of natal dispersal
N Perrin
Dispersal. O.U.P. (Clobert, J. Danchin, É. Dhondt, A. A. Nichols, J. D. Eds), 2001
Are adult nonbreeders prudent parents? The kittiwake model
E Cam, JE Hines, JY Monnat, JD Nichols, E Danchin
Ecology 79 (8), 2917-2930, 1998
Cultural flies: Conformist social learning in fruitflies predicts long-lasting mate-choice traditions
E Danchin, S Nöbel, A Pocheville, AC Dagaeff, L Demay, M Alphand, ...
Science 362 (6418), 1025-1030, 2018
The evolution of coloniality in birds in relation to food, habitat, predation, and life-history traits: a comparative analysis.
C Rolland, E Danchin, M de Fraipont
American Naturalist 151, 514-529, 1998
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Articles 1–20